Chapter 19

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Chris's POV

I groaned rubbing my eyes, and sitting up in bed. After Drew left yesterday I felt brutally broken, I had made up my mind that the world would be better without me. I wasn't important, I had no dreams, and the one person that I thought cared about me probably hated me now.

I decided not to go to school today, today was the day that I would end it all, and it would honestly be better if I didn't go to school and face Drew. I sat up fully, throwing my legs over the side of the bed and miserably standing. My aunt and her new boy toy never came back after they left, meaning that I was blissfully alone.

I walked down the stairs, slightly stumbling down the last step. I grabbed a bowl from the cabinet and carelessly poured myself a bowl of cereal.

After I was finished eating, I stumbled back up to my room, in my room I grabbed my phone and quickly dialed Drew's home phone number. I knew that his family wouldn't be home so I could easily leave a message and by the time he got home it would be too late, and I would be dead. I smiled as it rang and rang and rang.

Thalia's POV

I was upstairs in my room, hacking my lungs out. Stupid Drew continued forgetting to pick me up from school so I got sick walking home while it was raining. I laid my head against the cool pillow, I hated staying home from school with a passion, but I didn't really have a choice, my mother wouldn't even let me out of my bed. "Bring Bring Bring." I lazily opened up my eyes, the phone was ringing, and it was all the way downstairs. I stood up, rushing as quick as my sick body could take me downstairs. I was in the kitchen about to answer when the phone beeped. Damn it I missed the call. I waited eagerly for the message.

'Hey Drew, I know that you're not home which is exactly why I'm calling.' I leaned towards the phone, it was Chris. Now my interest was peaked. 'I'm sorry that I ever bothered you. I honestly thought that I could get through my life without people. You did something that no one has ever done before, you befriended me, you showed me that I do need people. Well that I need you.'

I squinted my eyes, where was he going with this. I listened even more intently. 'I've done a lot of bad things, I've hurt a lot of people. Me being one of those people. I thought that maybe things would be okay if I blocked people out. My bad. I'm not gonna try to sugarcoat this Drew, its come to the point where I'm ashamed to even look you in the eyes. I'm sorry but I'm giving up. No scratch that I'm not giving up, I'm just letting go. Drew I just want to tell you that I love you, yeah that's right I love you so much that it honestly hurts. It hurts because I know you could never feel the same. It doesn't matter though, goodbye Drew, I love you.'

The phone beeped, and my heart stopped beating. I-Is he gonna k-kill. Shit I picked up the phone dialing Drew's number as quick as I possibly could. He needed to save Chris, I would go but I didn't have a car so it was up to my little brother.

On the third ring Drew picked up.
"Damn it T, what's so important, my teacher is about to kill me." "C-Chris." I stated into the phone, praying that he would understand. "What's going on.... is he okay? Is Chris okay?" He yelled down the phone, his words were rushed and it was clear that he was worried.

"I-I'm sorry, I honestly don't know, but y-you need to get to his house.... I-I think that he he's gonna k-kill himself."

Drew's POV

I think that my heart just exploded. I didn't even bother to reply to her, the phone slipped from my hands and I rushed out of the school. He couldn't, could he? he wouldn't. Would he? I sprinted faster, when my bike came into view, I dug in my pocket grasping my key and hopping on and immediately starting it.

I pulled up outside if his large house, I knocked down the kickstand and sprinted into his house, not bothering to knock. I bolt up his stairs, and make an abrupt stop at his door. I pull on the door handle, devastated to find that it's locked. I waste no time in slamming hard into the door, it cracked against the pressure but didn't break. I slam again and this time the door busts down, slamming against the ground.

My heart drops, tears begin to slowly overflow and drip down my cheeks. I want to move, I need to move. He needs me, I need to make sure he's okay. Sobs wrack my body, and all of a sudden my legs caved beneath me. I desperately crawled towards him as his cold, dull body swings lifelessly from his ceiling fan. I hear a faint echo of sirens, my mind is too broken to process it though. I can't to it, more and more tears pour down my cheeks and I sob holding onto his legs, I know that I need to stand up and get him down, but I couldn't get up, I couldn't breath. I can't breath. Suddenly I feel hands wrap around my torso and lift me from the ground and from Chris. Another man comes and gets Chris down carrying him out of the door. No no no no they can't take him away from me. I started thrashing in the unknown strangers arms. "LET ME GO!" I shout still kicking but whoever had me won't let me go. "No! He needs me let me go!" I sob helplessly trying to escape and run after the man that has my Chris.

Hi guys I hope that you liked this. this story is coming to an end. don't be a silent reader drop a comment bye guys.

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