Chapter 13

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Drew's POV
My heart stopped. I was frozen in a fit of shock at what I saw before me.
The word stared at me from Chris's arm and circled around my head. I wanted to believe that it wasn't true, I wanted to will the painful revelation false. But I couldn't, Chris had done this to himself, I dragged my eyes up and down his arms to be met with several more cuts, and when I said several I mean they littered his arm. There was no clear part of his skinny arms, all parts covered up thoroughly. I looked to Chris who was staring across the lake, tears filling his eyes but his face was void of all emotion. "Chris?" I managed to squeak out, and was shocked at how weak I sounded even to my own ears. He refused to look at me so I stood up, now gazing down at him intently. "Damn it Chris look at me?" I asked gently, but the anger in me suggested differently. I wasn't angry at him... no I was angry at the god I had followed all of my life. He had taken a small boy and broke him... beat him down until there was nothing left. I was angry because I was always taught that god loved all of us, but Chris, Chris was the perfect example of how wrong that is. "Chris please." Chris looked up at me, he was glaring and looked at me like he expected me to turn and run. "Chris..." I started but I didn't know what to say, what was I supposed to say to him. "It's fine Drew, go. Leave like everyone else... I'm fine and I don't need your damn pity. Okay? So go." I was shocked, I wasn't going to leave him, not when he needed me the most, it wouldn't be fair and even if I wanted to... I knew that I wouldn't be able to. I shook my head slowly and looked back to his arm and that hideous word, grabbing it gently and bringing it carefully to my lips. His soft skin was so cold and smooth underneath my lips and after a few seconds I pulled away and stared into his wide eyes. "I don't want to leave you." I stated honesty leaking from my words. Chris pulled away in shock and surprise and I grinned. "I-I don't understand." I walked closer to him and he pulled back like a scared puppy. "Let me show you." I mumbled before pulling his head towards mine and gently placing my lips atop his. I wrapped my arms around his small waist pushing my face harder against his. He kissed back eagerly and I smirked running my tongue across his bottom lip, asking for permission. It was now his turn to smirk, before resting his hands at my neck, every now and then pulling gently at my hair. I felt him pull away and frowned in wonder. He looked at the ground his eyes still closed and his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Why?" He mumbled softly, opening his eyes and looking at me. I wanted to say something but what was I supposed to say, he was the first person to make me feel so light... so happy... so, just so. Ugh I don't know, which is the reason I walked passed him and much to my dismay left him standing there. I needed to think, I needed to figure things out, figure my self out.

Time skip
A/N: I'm also sorry to any really religious people that were offended by this chapter or the last one, this is just a story and I'm sorry for the offense. alright on with the story.

Drew's POV
I walked through my front door, my mom was probably home by now, considering on Sundays she only worked a half shift. "Hey kiddo is that you." My mothers soft voice drifted in from the kitchen, where she spent half her time. "Yeah." I called back still in a daze from what happened with Chris. She walked out of the kitchen and into the hall where I was standing, she wiped her hands on her apron and approached me, her face contorted in concern. Wonder why. "How is Chris?" Oh thats why, I almost laughed but held it back. "Oh I uh don't know." I replied looking at the ground, before sidestepping her and escaping to the kitchen and grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge. She followed in quickly after me and stood in front of me so I couldn't escape again. "You don't know? weren't you just with him?" She questioned her hands placed firmly on her hips. "What makes you think I was with him?" I mumbled, not knowing why I was lying but felt like I should. "Ha now don't lie to me boy." I couldn't hold it in anymore, I let out a laugh, she looked a little taken aback but quickly regained her previous statue. "Don't worry mom he's fine, and I was just fucking with ya." She looked satisfied and gave a smile at my answer. "Okay but remember no cussing in this house." She glared playfully before returning to whatever it was that she was cooking. "I'll try my very hardest." I stated sarcastically but it didn't seem like she caught that. I chuckled quietly and retreated to my bedroom, where I collapsed onto my bed. I began to think... about the one person who had plagued my thought since I had met him. Chris. He was in some ways every thing to me, and if he died I wouldn't want to live either. I groaned and rested my head against the pillows in defeat. I've been with a lot of girls in my life, but never had any of them made me feel the way I feel when I'm around Chris. Shit.
Am I gay?

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