Chapter 2

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Drew's POV
"Hey get out of bed, and face the day, lazy bones." I heard my older sisters voice from the door way. I groaned reaching over, grabbing a pillow, and chucking it at the door. She shrieked and stormed out of the room her blond hair was the only thing I saw when I peaked open one eye. I grinned when I heard the door lock click into place. Finally alone. I closed my eyes again and within a few minutes fell back to sleep. A cold splash of water washed over me, I jumped out of bed and to my feet, my eyes were wide in shock and they searched the room desperately for the culprit. My eyes landed upon my mom, who was standing in the corner a large silver bowl, full of what used to be water. She had a smug expression on her face, I glared playfully at her. "That was cold." She smiled and glared back. "Are you talking about the water or the fact that I poured in onto you." I grinned shaking my hair back and forth like a dog in an attempt to dry off. " Do you want a hug mom?" I trudged towards her holding my arms out and shaking from the cold water dripping off of me. "No absolutely not, now go get dressed." Her soft expression turned serious in a matter of seconds. "Sure, but I don't think I hug you enough." I walked closer to her ready to hug her but she held out a hand stopping me. "Go get dressed, you have five minutes before I make you walk to school." I frowned slightly remembering I had my first day at my new school, in my new town, in my new state. I heard the door close and I looked around, I hadn't even realized my mom had left. I sighed walking to the closet and pulling out a pair of black skinny jeans and a black shirt with black converse. I know what your thinking, but no I'm not goth. I just like black. okay? I quickly threw on my clothes, running a hand through my hair as a makeshift comb. After feeling content with my look I ran downstairs and into our new kitchen, grabbing a piece of toast from the toaster and putting it in my mouth, grabbing my pack from the table. I heard obnoxious honking coming from my mom and two sisters who were in the car already. I rushed out the door and down the walkway, hoping in the backseat with my little sister,Carla. Her long blond hair was in pigtails for her first day in 7th grade. My older sister, Thalia was in the front, her short blond hair hung to her neck as always. My mother was the only one of us that didn't have blond hair, she had curly, long brown hair. I turned my attention out the window, I was excited to be starting a new school but at the same time I was dying inside at the idea. This was basically my chance to start over, to leave behind that bad boy reputation. I sighed, I wish that my mom would've let me ride my bike, it was my pride and joy in life, but no, she made me take a ride with them. "Alright kids, here we are. Have a nice day." I looked around stunned, man I should really get out of my head sometimes. I grinned and looked out the window, and smiled at the large, cream colored school building with students running around to find their friends. I sighed jumping out of the car and raising my chin confidently. I walked to the school doors, an emotionless expression glued on my face. Alot of the students gave me strange looks, like they were sizing me up to see if I was prey or a new predator. I was pretty positive that I wouldn't be prey, and if they thought I was, they would soon be proved wrong. I opened the doors, and a rush of cold air blew towards me, I looked at the paper in my hand, it held my schedule, locker number and combination, it also had an extremely confusing map leading to all the classes. How was I supposed to find anything with this thing.
Fuck me. I was so lost. Right now I was just wondering through the halls of the high school. There was about a minute before the bell rang and there was no fucking soul willing to even listen to me. I hate people. I looked down at the map again. It seemed to be becoming more and more confusing as time grew on. "Bing bing." I groaned inwardly as the bell rang, kill me now.
I was about to just decide to cut class, since there was no way in hell that I was going to find the class anyway. "Hey, you need some help finding something?" I turned my attention towards the most angelic voice, it was sorta rugged but in a cool way. He was standing near the lockers, he was wearing a black Hollywood Undead band t-shirt and black skinny jeans, he also had a grey beanie and black combat boots. He had extremely high cheekbones and was incredibly pale, his light brown hair stood everywhere in a mess, but what stood out the most was his eyes, they were the bluest of blue and god were they deep. I probably sound so lame, And before you think the opposite, I'm straight. He gave me an impatient scowl and I realized I hadn't answered his question, and was just standing there like an idiot. "Yeah that would be great." I replied walking towards him slowly, and thrusting my hand towards him. "Drew." He looked confused for a moment them he took my hand shaking it lightly. "Chris."

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