Remeber (part 4)

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The purple lightning kept coming and we kept teleporting to other places. Eventually we were running down the halls when the purple lightning came and took Scorpia. I was all alone.

"Scorpia?" Scorpia." The purple lighting came back and teleported me to the roof. I saw this old lady walking. "Wait!"

"Why, hello, Mara dearie."

I grabbed her soldiers. "Who are you? Why do I know you? What are you doing in the Fright Zone?" I looked around. I was terrified of what was going on. "Is this real?"

"I'm afraid so, dearie. But you can still fix it. There's still time." The roof started collapsing and the purple lighting came out of it. We were going down. "Fine me in the woods, dearie."

I got up and Lonnie was standing before me. "Adora. Adora, where have you been?"

"Lonnie, we have to get out of here. Where are Kyle and Rogelio?" I started pulling her away from the lightning.


"Our teammates since we were kids. Where are they?"

"I don't" she paused and my dropped. "I don't remember. I think... I think they're gone?" Stuff started to fall behind her and she finally started to see what I was seeing. "What is going on."

"Come on." I grabbed her shoulder and started running as fast as I could. I finally got through the doors. I grabbed my knees and tried to catch my breath. When I finally got myself together I realized she was gone. I banged my hand across the door. Just my luck. I started running trying to find Catra. When I finally found her she was with a group of boys laughing about god knows what. Claire was by her side looking miserable. "Catra!"

"Adora." I grabbed her and Claire and lead them away from the boys. "Hey. You've officially lost it, haven't you?"

"Listen we have to go now. Scorpia, Lonnie, Kyle, Rogelio, they're all gone."

"What are you talking about? Who's gone?" Catra asked. I hadn't noticed how pale Claire looked until now. She looked like she was about to die, but that wasn't the most important thing right now.

"They're gone. There's nothing left. And we'll be next if we don't get out of here right now."

"You're not making any sense. Everything's fine, okay?"

"Don't say it's perfect. I know it's not perfect and so do you." I yelled at her.

She was quiet for a couple of seconds before she turned around. "You've gone crazy. I'm not going anywhere."

"I'll go." I turned around to see Claire standing there. She was very tense and I noticed that on eye was starting to turn blue.

"Claire, you've lost it too. You've been acting all weird about everything that's been going on. And what is it with you being so..." I drowned out the noise when I saw a taser. I picked it up and before she could say anything I tased her. I caught her before she fell.

"We need to go it's coming." Claire said walking a few steps ahead. I grabbed her tighter and started running after her. The closer I got to her the more she ran. It was almost like she was running away from me and not the lightning.

We made it out on one of the ships. Our only objective was to get away from the Fright Zone. We were now in Whispering Woods. Catra was still passed out and Claire was by my side. After a couple of minutes Catra woke up and started to attack me. Claire started to get Catra away from some so I could steer the ship. Not even with her efforts to help I still crashed the ship and we went tumbling. The taser was in the middle of Catra and I. We both darted towards it.

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