Reunion (part 2)

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A/n: Hey guys.... So I have been really busy but here is another chapter for you all. I will try to come out with another one tomorrow but no promises.


We were sipping some kind of tea and sitting on the couch. I think everyone was nervous sweating. I looked around at the place. It was the coolest thing I had ever seen, and I have seen a lot of things. I wished I had lived here all my life.

One of Bow's dads, Lance, walked over, "You want anything. You just tell me, and I'll get it. Snack? I'll get you snacks."

"Yes, so energetic. Heh. You girls must love attending the Academy of Historic Enterprises with Bow." George said. I would have loved to attend the academy.

"Yes. Absolutely." Glimmer elbowed Adora who spit out her tea.

"Yup. Wouldn't change a thing. At the academy we all go to.

"I absolutely love it!" I shouted a little to loudly. They all looked at me weirdly and I sunk into the couch.

Lance walked back over, "Oh, I bet you're here to see our collection of First Ones artifacts."

"You have First Ones artifacts!" I screeched.

"Yes, we got some new potter shards. I- Oh, what was I doing?"

"Snacks." George replied.

"Oh, yes, yes, yes. Snacks."

"The pottery is something. Bow's older brother sent it."

Glimmer spit out her tea, "Brother?"

"Oh, Bow has an older brother? How nice."

"Youngest of 13, all historians just like us. And just like Bow when he graduates and takes over the library. Right, Bow?" Bow was very nervously sweating.

"Don't bother, Lance. It looks like he's not very cha-tea today." George started laughing at his own joke.

"Okay, thanks for the tea and the snacks, but I think my friends would really like——"

"A tour of the library." Lance interrupted. "Of course, our Bow would find people who share his zest for history. Wait till we show you the oldest part of our collection. A shard from an ancient, defunct tune stone."

"If it wasn't of historical value, that would be gone. No need to keep a reminder of the Princesses and their war."

"Uh..." Glimmer began, "But the Horde started the war. The Princesses are fighting to save Etheria."

"You're too young to remember the first failed Princess Alliance. I'm not." I was going to argue but decided not to. Bow obviously didn't want us here and I didn't want to make it worse for him. "I enlisted, fought for what I thought was right."

"Dad, can we not—?"

"When I came home, there was nothing left of my village but ash. I vowed that my family would never get mixed up in fighting or the Princesses again."

Lance then grabbed George's hand. He then walked over towards us, "well, I know what will lighten the mood, baby pictures. I've got some great ones from Bow's first bubble bath."

Bow immediately stood up, "I'm gonna show Adora, Glimmer, and Claire my room now."

"Wanna see the bubble baths." Adora said.

"Now." We we're in trouble.

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