The price of power (part 2)

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I was sound asleep until Glimmer decided I had to watch Adora like everyone else. We were in Glimmer's room after stopping Adora from talking to Shadow Weaver for the 100th time.

"Look, I told you, I just need to talk to her."

"Ugh, Adora, Shadow Weaver will try to hurt you again." Glimmer replied.

"You don't know that."

"Yes, I do. She's from the Horde. She's evil. Evil people don't change."

"What's that's supposed to mean." I chimed in.

"Well you and Adora are different. Your not like them." Bow said.

"Really, because I was supposed to rule the Horde. Shadow Weaver was going to be second in command. I was a higher up then her so wouldn't that mean I am worse than her. And I would probably still be in the Horde if I didn't lose my memory and that would mean I really didn't change." Everyone went silent. I took a deep breath than started talking again. "Look, I'm not defending Shadow Weaver but you guys have to realize that we are still from the Horde. We grew up there and we changed. That means everyone else there can change to. So just be more considerate of what you say." I rolled over on the couch thing I was laying on. "Adora you can go see her just be careful. I don't doubt that she could have changed but——"

"She could still be the same old Shadow Weaver."

"Yep. Also you aren't going to go alone. Glimmer and Bow are going to go with you. I am going to stay here and sleep. I don't really want to be taken back to the Horde and have my memory wiped again."


I was shoved awake by Glimmer again.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Adora needs you."

"No, no, no, no, nope." I layer back down and turned to the side.

"Claire I know you are scared. Believe me I get it but I need you to trust Adora and I. Please. If anything things happens to you we are going to throw Shadow Weaver right out of the palace."

"Fine." I agreed. We got up and walked out and started to prepare myself for what was about to come.


"Hello, Claire." Shadow Weaver greeted me.

"Why am I here."

"Straight to the point. Just like your father." I winced when she said that. Shadow Weaver turned to Adora, "You are a Princess, so, you have a Runestone. Yours dwells there, within your sword. Claire's is somewhere hidden I believe."

"Wait, but I'm not a princess."

"Yes, but you have powers: Photokinesis, Chlorokinesis, Hydrokinesis."

"How do you know I can control water."

"I keep tabs on all of you." She replied. I thought that was creepy at first but it was Shadow Weaver. She turned to She-Ra again, "With your Runestone, you channel the elemental magic of Etheria. Let it flow through the sword and into you. Claire what I want you to do if put your hands on She-Ra's soldiers and channel your powers into her. She-Ra, you must learn to concentrate. Focus your power."

She-Ra stood there for a couple of seconds. I had my hands on her soldiers then eventually she fell to the ground. "I've tried this before. I can't get it to work. What do I do? Point the sword at you, or what?"

Shadow Weaver started coughing. "Calm down. Your frustration will cause the energy you produce to become destructive if you're not careful. There must be peace in your mind if you are to heal. Come closer and allow me to help you." I gripped She-Ra's shoulders harder. I didn't want her to go. I didn't want her to get hurt, but she stood up and walked forward. "You are afraid, but refuse to admit it. Afraid of your power, if it spiraling out of control. I wanted Claire here to help you and calm your nerves but you can do it alone. Also I realized that you made her look like that." Shadow Weaver pointed to me, "So now you are even more afraid. Let yourself feel it, then move past it. You are greater than your fear."

She started to glow and all this power went through her. Than there was a loud noise and an angry Angella coming through, "What are you doing!"

"I'm sorry. I tried." Bow apologized.

She-Ra stopped glowing and fell back turning right back into Adora. Shadow Weaver looked at herself and she looked better than what she did before.

Angella came running up to us, "I told all three of you to stay out of here."

"She's She-Ra, Mom. What do you expect me to do?"

Adora walked forward, "I held up my end. Now you hold up yours. Why are you here?"

Shadow Weaver started laughing that horrible sickly little laugh of hers. "You want the truth? I have nowhere left to go. Catra betrayed me. Hordak cast me aside. I wanna take them down. And helping you is the best way to do it. Hordak had been working for years to build a machine capable of opening a portal through the fabric of space. He intends to bring the rest of the Horde's armies through this portal and use them to conquer Etheria, once and for all.

"Armies? There's more of the Horde?" Worry was all over Angella's face.

"A force so large, you cannot even comprehend it. You have struggled to hold off Hordak's paltry troops for years. You will stand no chance against the full might of the Horde."

"What makes you think he's close to finishing this portal machine now?" Adora asked.

"Because he has something he didn't have before. A Princess who knows how to combine First Ones technology with the Horde's machines."

"Entrapta. That's why she's been after all that First Ones tech."

"How stupid do you think we are? She knows the Horde is losing, and she's trying to scare us. Portals to other worlds? It's ridiculous."

"No it isn't." I said. Everyone looked at me. "I saw the plans myself. Wasn't the complete plans but just a ruff sketch. I just never thought he would be able to finish it. But there's one thing foreshore... We better get ready for what's about to come."

"How can you believe her!"

"BECAUSE HE SHOWED ME THOSE PLANS HIMSELF!" I walked out of the room and slammed the door. I don't know if it was because I was tired or hungry but I started crying. I really just wanted to be done with the Horde and just live a normal life. Little did I know I was going to have to learn and lot and get almost kill myself before I was going to have to finally defeat the Horde.

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