The Beacon (part 2)

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A guard came in an hour ago and told me I was having dinner with the Queen. I didn't want to talk to her but I had a feeling I had no choice.

I walked into the room and hour later.

"I gave the staff the night off so it could be just us. And I made your favorite, Glimmer. Well, I didn't make it, but I had the kitchen make it before I gave them the night off."

"Thanks." Glimmer went to take a seat.

"We've hardly had a chance to talk since you returned. Well I talked to Claire." I looked away. I was still mad at her.

"Well, you know, not much to talk about." Glimmer you are going to be in so much trouble for saying that.

"Not much to talk about? You were kidnapped! And Claire lost her memory and then had become a double agent. You lost a friend during the escape and—" I wish Angella did not invite me.

"I get it, Mom. I failed."

"That's not what I—" Glimmer was getting zapped again. "Stop! Make it stop! Glimmer, what's happening to you? What aren't you telling me?" I was frozen in shock. I felt like I couldn't breath. I immediately ran out of the room once I unfroze.

Once I was in my room I slid down the door and started sobbing. I was under so much stress and what Catra said about me broke my heart. I just wanted to be alone back at the Horde when I was 16. When everything was fine and I didn't have to worry about saving the world.

I felt this tingly feeling all around my body. "Nope. No. I am not doing this today." But it was too late because there I was right in front of Adora.

"Claire, are you ok."

"Ya, fine." I whipped my tears away. "What are you doing here."

"What are you doing here." She was avoiding the question.

"Accidentally teleported here. I am really emotional right now."

"Are you okay?" God, was she hot.

"Ya, ya. Probably just tired."

She looked over. "I found it." I turned around and there was this tower behind me.

This is going to be interesting.

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