The frozen forest (part 1)

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Bots were charging at us.

"Hey, robot face, watch where you step." Perfuma pulls on her vines and throws them into a tree.

"Incoming!" Bow shouts. I look up and see three bots about to land on us. I throw a vine at one of them and accidentally throw it towards frosta.

Thankfully, Mermista blast water on it. When the bot is still, Bow shoots an arrow in the middle of it.

"Sorry, Frosta." I apologize. "Still getting used to my new powers."

"Look out." We look back and see a bot.

"Got it." Glimmer shouts and teleports it into the air and drops it. "Thanks for dropping in."

"Hahahahaha!" Frosta laughs. "Dropping in, because you dropped him from the sky. Good one."

"Anyway... Claire how you like you new hair."

"Lovin it. We probably didn't need to add the extensions but it looks cool."

"At least mom didn't get to mad."

"Honestly, I thought she was going to be livid."

Theme Song

"Poor woods. They'll never be able to regrow if the boys keep attacking." So turns out I didn't fully saved the forest. I saved some of the forest but not all. Perfuma and I could save it together if the boys would just STOP ATTACKING!

Bow was studying the bot before Frosta punched it. "Hey! I was looking at that."

"Your welcome." Frosta sang before walking off.


"You should've seen it. With the Moonstone super-charged, I've been so much more powerful. I took out, like, at least five bots."

"Lucky for you. I feel like I am getting weaker."

"Why don't you just do what Glimmer does, recharge." Adora said.

"I don't think my powers work that way." I responded

"It could be because you got a new power that it just hard to control both at the same time." Bow said.


"I am so ready to get back out there again." Glimmer squealed.

"Like the day before, and the day before that."

"So? What are we supposed to do? Not fight? We have to protect the woods. The Horse is going to keep taking ground until it regrows."

"I know, but how long can we keep this up? Did you learn anything from Light Hope?" Bow asked Adora.

"Uh..." Adora began. "Getting way better at transforming my sword. Look." The sword became a water pitcher.

"A pitcher." Bow chuckled. "That's so useful."

"Sure, we can picnic once the woods regrow." Glimmer says sarcastically.

"We should turn it into a dagger." Frosta pops in. "Right Glimmer. Did you see me take out that bot with daggers?"

"Where did you come from?" Glimmer asks.

"I have been here the whole time." Frosta responds.

"Well, we have to go. We have an important meeting."

"The war council? I'm heading there, too. Better hurry, you're gonna be late."

"Do we have a new addition to the Best Friends Squad?" Bow squeals.

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