No Princess Left Behind (part 1)

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A/n OMG there are only 5 more episodes left of season 1. I usually make stuff up as I go, but I finally got it together and have an idea for what is going to happen in season 3 and 4. I really want to do all 5 seasons so I hope I am still motivated to write it. Also if you are Maren, go away. Also I am coming out with another chapter tonight.


"Check this thing out. You've got to admit, Shadow Weaver, in a single mission I inflicted more damage in the Rebellion than anyone else. I succeeded where even you failed."

I held out my hand and fused pumped Catra. Ever since what happened at the ball I have had to be a double agent. I act like I am with the Horde but really I am helping out Adora. Yes, I love Catra and her beautiful hair and perfect ey— hmm. But whatever my dad is planning cannot be good.

"Shadow Weaver, Claire."

"Hey dad."

"I commend you on the capture of the Princess of Bright Moon. Queen Angella has been given until the morning's moonrise to surrender herself to our forces."

"Thanks dad but I could not have done it without Catra." I put my arm around Catra. Now I know what you are thinking, "Oh, Claire why don't you just release Glimmer and Bow than everything with be pitch perfect." Well you see I have thought of a full on plan. If I interfere now I could lose my advantage. I have to play this long term. I have to be careful of what I say and do. If I wait for just the right time to stab my dad in the back I might be able to end this war.

"I thought you would be pleased with my work." Shadow Weaver comments.

"Shadow Weaver I am commending my daughter not you." The screen then turns off.

Me and Catra walk out with the sword. I really hope Adora does not do anything stupid.

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