Princess Prom (part 2)

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A/n hey guys just wanted you to know that Catra did not tell Claire that Adora can turn into She-ra just want to clear that up. Also we are just going to pretend you can bring three people to the ball


We were getting ready. I found a suit that Claire thought I looked cute in. So of course I decided to wear it. Scorpia was trying on all the weird outfits. She finally chose one that she looked pretty good in. Then Claire walked down. She had this purple dress on. Her hair was seemed to look a little more on the purple side. It was up and looked like there was some purple flowers in it. She was beautiful.

(This is the dress I imagined her in)

(This is the dress I imagined her in)

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We walked in. Claire was holding my arm while Scorpia was walking beside us. We bowed to the princess and I got a glimpse of Adora's face. She looked like she was in denial. I mean I would be to if I had just seen Claire alive. She started walking up to us but still a shocked look on her face.

"Revered hostess, you can my let them in. They're from the Horde."

"Revered Hostess, Princess Scorpia was invited, as per the rules of this Ball. Rules which I personally have the utmost respect for." I did not respect the rules whatsoever but I just wanted to get Adora flustered.

"You do not!" She yelled. I won this little game we were just having. I turned and looked at Claire for a moment. She was shooting daggers at Adora. She was obviously not happy.

"Princess Adora. The rules state clearly that all princesses and their two or one chosen guests are welcome"

"They're up to something, I can feel it. You have to—"

"That's enough! You look at me and see a child, but I have worked too hard to gain respect, only to throw it away because you feel they're up to something. For centuries, the All-Princess Ball has been neutral ground. I will not dishonor that legacy. Scorpia is a princess. Princesses get two plus ones. They stay."

"Really, Adora? I'm shocked. We're not breaking any rules. Didn't you read the invite?"

"I know you're plotting something. Besides what is Claire doing here." I knew I had to make something up quick.

Then it hit me, Adora didn't know Claire was alive too.  "We have been keeping her at the Horde. She has been in a coma for two years. She is really sensitive about it Adora how dare you bring it up." I placed my hand on her back and started patting it. But I felt like there was something off about Claire tonight.

Something flickered in Adora's eyes but I couldn't tell what. "From now to the second the ball ends, I'll be watching. Whatever the three of you go, I go."

"Suit yourself. Have fun following us!"  We all walked in separate directions. There was something not sitting right in my stomach by the way Adora looked at me when I lied to her. We tried to make it the hardest for the both of them. We went in every direction. I kept some distance from Claire but far another that Adora couldn't keep watch on both of us. I threw a letter saying, "hi Adora" with a small picture of me on it into the trash can. I saw her go and look through the trash can. When I saw her open it she was obvious flustered and people were looking at her weirdly. I had won another of our little battles.

I went over to Enrapta. Adora came over. I wanted to play a little trick on her and acted like I was going to push Entrapta off.

I hear her yell, "Don't touch her!" I grab Entrapta's shirt.

"You're right. This is much better vantage point for my observations. Hi, Adora. Have you met my new assistant? She brought me snacks."

Adora looked really confused and I tried not to laugh. "She stole my food, and then asked me to spy on people with her. Is this what love feels like?" She grabbed Entrapta and pulled her over. I leaned back on the railing and then walked away.

"It is my solemn duty as hostess to now announce, it is time for the first dance of the ball." Everyone started cheering.

I turned to look to find Claire. But when I looked over Adora was there. Holding her hand out to ask Claire to dance.

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