The Sea Gate (part 1)

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"Council, we're looking for plans to strengthen our defenses against the Horde. Who would like to go first." The Queen stated. We were at a meeting. I hate meetings mostly because we talk about the Horde. Thankfully Adora, Glimmer, and Bow saved Plumeria. I wish I was there but I knew when we faced the Horde we were going to need the element of surprise. The silver lining to my new look is that now nobody will recognize me. And the Queen said that she will fix it 'when the time is right'. What ever that means. So I can go on any mission I want without people thinking it is me.

"Me, me, me. Me. Me, me." Glimmer shouts.

"Who besides Glimmer would like to go first." The Queen rolled her eyes. I wanted to pitch in my idea but I knew Glimmer would get mad at me.

"Mom—." Glimmer began but corrects herself. "Uh, Your Majesty. You should let me, Bow and Adora continue our princess recruitment mission. If we can form a new Princess Alliance, the Rebellion would actually stand a chance for once." Glimmer forgot to mention me. How could she. After everything that we have been through. But of course she has to mention Adora. Yes, Adora can turn into She-Ra, but I can teleport like her. I'm working on my powers to.

"The princess withdrew from the last alliance. They chose to focus on protecting their lands." The Queen stated.

There was one thing I knew, that the only way on defeating the Horde was reforming the princess alliance. I think we have Perfuma on our side, but I am not for-sure. If we can get all the Princesses together we can probably defeat the Horde.

"Your Majesty." I stood up. "The only way we are going to be able to defeat the Horde is if we reform the princess alliance. I haven't been to the Horde in a while, but they were pretty strong when I... left. They are probably stronger now. And considering that my fath—- Hordak was working on a weapon then. He is probably close to finishing by now. And I don't think we will be able to defeat him when go into battle. I think we need to get Princess Mermista on our team first. Anyone approaching Bright Moon by sea needs to pass through the Salinews Sea Gate. If we have her in our side the Rebellion could control the seas. We can get more princess on our side later, but I think we need this alliance from her first."

"The journey is treacherous, Claire. I'm not sure." The Queen had uncertainty written all over her face. But I had faith in our journey.

"Don't worry, Mom. With She-Ra, we can conquer anything." Glimmer jumps out of her seat.

"Uh, we're also gonna need a boat." Adora adds.

"With She-Ra and a boat, we can conquer anything."

"And an experience sea captain." Bow adds. They were really not helping mine and Glimmer's case.

"With She-Ra, a boat, and an experienced sea captain, we can conquer anything." Glimmer had determination in her eyes.

"Very well." The Queen finally agrees.

"Yes." Glimmer gasps. She teleports to her mom and gives her a kiss on the cheek.

"I mean it, Glimmer. No violence, and no collateral damage." The Queen adds.

Glimmer teleports back to Bow and Adora and puts her hands around them. "Thanks, Mom, you won't regret it." Glimmer says before she teleports away.

Theme song

I was stuck at home. Me and Glimmer had this huge argument when the meeting was over. I was mad because she didn't invite me on the mission. She was mad because I wanted to go on the mission. She apparently thought people would recognize me and the the Horde would kidnap me. I knew she really didn't think that. What she really ment was, 'Claire I like Adora more than you.' I knew I wasn't her best friend anymore. She like Adora because she was She-Ra. She probably only likes me is because I can now teleport.

Hour one - pacing around my room because I was mad at Glimmer.

Hour two - still mad at Glimmer but drawing this time.

Hour three- thinking about how they are already there and having so much fun.

I couldn't stand that Glimmer wanted to leave me behind. I was laying in bed when someone knocked on my door.

"Come in." I said, thinking it was a checkup on my powers. Ever since I told the Queen about them I had to get checked by a doctor almost every day.

The person walked in. It wasn't a doctor it was the Queen.

She sat down on the edge of my bed. "How are you feeling today." She asked.

"Fine." I stated, still not looking up from a book. I wasn't really reading it, but I wanted to act like I was, so maybe she could see how mad I was and send me on the trip.

"I know you're mad that you aren't going with Glimmer, Adora, and Bow. I know that you feel left out because you think Glimmer doesn't like you anymore. But I promise you that that is not the case. Glimmer adores you believers. When you first came here she was ecstatic. But I think she just feels upset that she found out so late about your past. And she doesn't blame you for it. She just needs time to process that you were a Horde soldier." The Queen tries to comfort me.

"But Adora was a Horde soldier." I mumble.

"Yes, she was. But she hasn't known Adora that long. She has known you for very long. I think she thinks that you have changed because you remember your past. You obviously weren't the shy, lonely girl you once were." She looks at me. Me and the Queen always kinda had a mother daughter relationship, so I always considered her my mother.

I knew she was right. I had changed. I was now outgoing and a fighter. Hah, when my memory was gone I was so scared to even punch a punching bag. The Queen stood up and left.

I thought for another minute before I felt this tingling.

I knew this tingling all to well. I then teleported and I was standing right in front of a bar.

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