Flowers for She-Ra (part 1)

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Third person

"This is awesome!" Glimmer cheers. "I can't believe Mom agreed to let you stay in Bright Moon." There was guards whispering about Adora.

"Yeah, awesome." Adora responded.

"Okay. You've seen the dining hall, the throne room, the portrait hall. So, the last stop on our grand tour is your new room!" Glimmer said throwing the doors open. "Ta-da!" The room had pink walls and a big pink bed. There was a vanity, bathroom, crystals, bell pull, tea nook, more crystals, desk, and a waterfall.

"Is the waterfall for showering?" Adora asked.

"Ha! Good one, Adora." Glimmer laughs, thinking it was a joke. "Waterfall for showering. I'm right down the hall if you need anything. Night."

"Wait." Adora said, still having questions. Glimmer had already left so Adora tried to make the most of it. "Okay. This is different than the Fright Zone, but I'm sure I'll get the hang of this in no time." Adora sat down on the bed which she sank into. "Help." She gasped.

Cue the theme song

Adora tried to get comfortable but couldn't with the bed so big.

"Come on, get flatter!" She yelled at the bed. She tried to sleep but couldn't with the bed so big and she usually slept on a flat mattress. She hit it so hard it ripped open and feathers started coming out. "No! Go back in, go back in!" When she thought she could get it to work it exploded and feathers came out from left to right. "Glimmer? Glimmer?" She whispered. "I think I killed the bed." When trying to find Glimmer she found her mom. "Ma'am! I mean, Your Majesty. Sir! So, uh... what are you doing up!"

"When I feel the cares of the day weighing upon me, I come here." The Queen replied, with no emotion. She showed light to a picture of a man with this staff.

"Who is that?" Adora questioned.

"King Micah." She responded. "My husband. He built the Rebellion with me. And he was one of the first casualties of the Horde."

"Sorry. I didn't know." Adora apologies, guilt rising up her.

"Adora." The Queen began. "My daughter believes you can help us. Glimmer has vouched for you despite your background. And because I greatly love my daughter, I'm willing to give you a chance. Do not disappoint her."


Glimmer woke up yawning seeing a Horde soldier.

"Ahhh!" Glimmer started screaming. She fell off her bed teleporting to the ground.

"Glimmer! Are you okay?" Adora asked.

"What are you doing in here?" Glimmer asked.

"I'm sorry." Adora apologized "I couldn't sleep in my room. I've never slept without any other people around before. And the. I ran into your m, I think she doesn't like me."

"What? My mom loves you." Glimmer replied.

"Yeah, sure. She loves She-Ra." Adora sighed.

Glimmer teleported up to her bed. "Mom can be a little intense, heh. But our weekly meeting with the Rebellion Generals is today. Also me and Bow would like you to meet someone."

Adora, Bow, and Glimmer started walking towards Claire's room. Glimmer wanted Adora to meet Claire before the went to the meeting.

"Now." Glimmer began. "Claire is the person we want you to meet. She is not good with knew people. So I need you to be... careful. I am just going to go check inside first to make sure she is okay." Glimmer walked inside.

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