The Sword Part 1 (part 5)

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A/n hey👋 so I wanted to clear things up. Claire's back story and personality will be unraveled as the story goes on. I want her looks to change up a little bit too. If you look at the cast it has a picture of how I envisioned her. Her personality will change very often in this story. You will see how it changes as the story goes on. Also I know this one is short I am righting the next one. Hope all of you have a great day.


I couldn't sleep. I kept seeing these visions of when I touched the sword.

"Adora." The same female voice said when I touched the sword. I could not stop thinking about it. I tried to get the voice out of my head.

Catra was sleeping at the edge of my bed. I tried to get out without waking her up. I get my uniform on a as I was putting my belt on I hear Catra's voice.

"Hey, where are you going?"

"Back to the woods." I responded. "There's something I need to figure out."

"What? You're not—." I covered her mouth. A robot was coming. "What is wrong with you? You've been acting weird since we got back. Are you sure you're not brain damaged." She checked my head to make sure.

"Look, Catra, I know I saw something out there. I just need to get another look. It feels important somehow." I said. Maybe I was thinking too much into this but I need to find out.

"Sounds good. Let's go." Catra said.

"No. I don't want you getting in trouble on my behalf. Just cover for me okay? I'll be back before anyone knows I'm gone." I ran off hoping she would not follow me. I hear Catra scream my name but I kept running hoping I can get out before I get caught.

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