Flowers for She-Ra (part 3)

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We were on our way to Plumeria. I explained everything that had happened to Adora. She seemed to understand what I was going through.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that." Adora apologized.

"It's ok. I'm sorry you had to stay there. That must have been awful." I responded.

"It's fine." I heard her mumble.

"Hey so I heard you are a princess now." I laughed, changing the subject.

"Ya, and you are too now I guess." She joked, punching me in the arm.

"No, I am not a princess I can teleport tho." I stated.

"Ya, right." She laughed. We then started play fighting.

"Hey, I think we are here." I looked around the place. There were so many dead plants.

"Oh, watch this." She pulled out her sword. "For the honor of Grayskull." She yelled. She then transformed into a eight foot tall person.

"Wow!" I muttered out staring at her. She then went to pick up the barrel.

"Are you going to be She-Ra the entire time we're here?" Glimmer asked.

"I told Queen Angella I would." She-Ra responded.

"I think it's cool." I was still staring at her.

"Of course you do, Claire." Glimmer mumbled.

"Besides, people like me better as She-Ra." She-Ra responded. "Could Adora do this? She said holding the wheel barrel.

"Hmm. Yep. Very useful to our mission." Glimmer mumbled.

"Hey, guys. What is that?" Bow pointed to the smoke.

I snapped out of my trance and looked over to the smoke.

"Must be coming from the Horde camp." She-Ra replied.

"You're here!" A girl with flowers in her hair came running over.

"Princess Perfuma. I'm Commander Glimmer." Glimmer reached out her hand.

Princess Perfuma put flowers in Glimmer's hand. A flower crown on Bow. And put flowers in my hair. (Imagine like the tangled look)

"Ooh, I get a hat." Bow cheered.

"Oh, my. Everyone, come quick! It's... Oh, it's... It's" she stuttered running towards She-Ra. "Look! The universe has heard our pleas and sent the legendary She-Ra to help us save our home."

Adora cleared her through before speaking, "We've heard about the blockade and we've come to help. We brought food and supplies for you." She pointed at the wheel barrel

I am pretty sure Princess Perfuma was crying.

"Welcome to Plumeria, She-Ra." Perfuma said. People started coming around her and hugging Adora.

Adora looked really confused, "Um, Glimmer, what's happening?"

"Come with me, I'll show you around. You're gonna love it." Perfuma stated, walking away.

"Our people have lived here in tranquility for thousands of years." Princess Perfuma was showing us around. "We're known for our beautiful flowers, our majestic trees. And this is the Heart-Blossom, the center of our kingdom, and the source of all my magical powers." I realized it wasn't how I thought Plumeria was gonna be like. Most of the plants were dying.

"At least this tree is fine. What happened to everything else?" Bow asked.

"We're going through a little rough patch, but I'm sure the universe will right itself soon." Perfuma stated, obviously trying to sound positive.

"Everything is dead or dying." Glimmer responded, stating the obvious.

"Look, the blight hit right after the Horde arrived. We don't know why, and nothing I do stops it. Be we don't dwell on the negative. Look at the positive. The Heart-Blossom's still healthy, and She-Ra is here, and the celebration's about to begin!" Perfuma cheered. I felt guilt build up inside of me. How could I have been part of the Horde.

She put flowers all over Adora.

"Celebration?" Adora questioned, before getting pulled by Perfuma

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