The sword Part 1 (part 4)

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"Dear Mom," I was writing in my diary. "I know you'll never read this, but I have to say it somewhere. I feel like you...don't respect me." All of the sudden an arrow shoots through my window. I jump and scream a little bit. A paper falls down and and it says look outside with bows face on it. I groan a little bit. "Watch it! You almost hit me!"

Bow walks out form the shadows and screams, "Hey, Glimmer!"

I shush him, "Bow, what are you doing her?"

"What did you say?" He yells. "Come down here and bring Claire with you!"

"I can't, I'm grounded and Mom doesn't want me to go and talk to her."

"What?" He screams back.

I whisper, yell to him, "I'm grounded."

"What?" He screams back again.

I look around before I teleport to him and shout, "I'm grounded." I groan when I get back in the room.

Before I could talk Bow interrupts me saying, "Does Claire need to be here for this talk."

I take a moment to think. I nod my head teleport to Claire's room, get her and teleport back.

"Why am I here?" Claire inquired.

Bow answered her question, "She is grounded and she is about to complain about it."

"Ohh." Claire said, finally understanding it.

"Now as I was saying, I'm so mad at my mom." I fumed.

"Is this about the siege on Elberon?" Claire asked. "I mean I don't really know why she is mad at you. I wasn't seen. I don't even know why she wants me to be seen. And you were doing what you thought was right."

"Exactly! I was just trying to defend another one of our villages from falling into the Horde's clutches! She stationed me all the way out there because it's too remote to ever get attacked, but then it did, and it was my one chance to prove that I can do this. But she acts like I can't do anything because I'm just a princess." I fumed.

"I think your mom just cares about you a lot. She doesn't want you or anyone else to get hurt." Claire suggested, trying to find the silver lining to this.

"Also glimmer that doesn't make any sense. Everyone here is a princess. Claire and I, like, are the only people who are not princesses. Unless Claire once was a princess." Bow adds. Claire lost her memory when we found her dead in the Whispering Woods. My mom saw 'great power in her', so we took her in and she did some weird magic on her. Then she came back alive in like a week. Bow and I are her best friends. We have to avoid talking about certain subjects or it triggers Claire. Like she goes into full on shaking on the floor after she faints.

"Tell that to my mom." I respond.

"Hey, where does this go?" Bow holds up a shirt.

"Bottom drawer." I respond.

"Anyway your mom might have a point." Claire explained. She always likes to find the good in the worst cases possible. She is the sweetest person ever. But yet she can literally kill like 80 Hoarde soldiers in 3 minutes.

"I agree." Bow replied. "The only reason you got out of there is because of your teleportation powers, and, let's face it, they don't always work that well."

"Looking for support here, Claire and Bow!" I shout.

"Hey! I am supporting you." Claire argues.

"I am just saying," Bow suggests, trying to prove his point. "If you wanna prove yourself it's gonna take more than running recklessly into any battle. Luckily, I've got just the thing. Check this out." Bow pulls out his device. "I detected a live of First Ones tech in the Whispering Woods. A pretty powerful one, too, by the size of these readings. If you find this one and bring it back, your mom in bound to be impressed."

I looked over at Claire's face and she completely did not want to do this. Claire never leaves the Castle. She is very strong but she never liked going out. I think has something to do with her past that she just can't remember. So I try to help her out. "Bow did you forget I am grounded." That should make him drop it. I could see a smile on Claire's face. She obviously did not want to go. Then we hear a knock at the door.

"Glimmer?" My mom began. "Are you in there?"

"Uh..." I blurted, worried if she will barge in here and see Bow and Claire. I teleport Bow outside and Claire back to her room.

"Glimmer?" My mom repeats.

"Everything's fine mom." I swore, not opening the door.

"Is someone else in there? I heard voices." My mom scolded.

I open the door a little bit, "No one else is in here. Can you leave me alone?"

"I don't appreciate your tone right now, young lady." She scolded.

"What tone."
"That attitude is never gonna help you."
"You can't act that way—"
"That's not fair!"

I slam the door after we stop arguing. I teleport Claire and I to Bow. We are in.

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