In the Shadows of Mystacor (part one)

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I guess we all assumed that Claire teleported to the castle. But when we got there she wasn't there.

I felt all the blood drain from my face when we got to the castle. I knew from the guards face when we walked up that she wasn't here.

"Where's Claire?" I guard asked. She looked very concerned. I guess they must have been close. "Where's Claire!" She was more forceful this time.

"We thought she was with you." Bow finally spoke up. All the guards faces turned white. This was not good.


We were in a meeting room. Not the same one that we usually go to but one that was darker. Princess Perfuma and princess Mermista were there.

"I call this meeting to discuss Claire. She has recently gone missing." Angelica seemed more sad than ever. If you didn't know better than you would think that Claire was Angelica's daughter.

"Wait, then one with short blue hair. Like this tall and has a moon shape kinda jewel on top of her head." Mermista was holding up her hand to show how tall she was.

"Yes." Angelica replied. "I would like all of you to keep a lookout for her. If the Horde finds out about her it could be very very bad. Do you all understand."

"Yes." We replied in union. I don't know why but I had a bad feeling that the Horde already found her.


I woke up to this voice. It sounded like Shadow Weavers. I knew I was still on edge on what happened at Entrapta's castle. But I would never admit to that.

I think I was watching out for too long because i blocked out all hearing. Glimmer and Bow teleported towards me.

"Sorry. Too early to teleport." Glimmer apologized. I just kept staring forward.

"What are we looking at?" Bow asked.

"I don't know." I answered. I could feel myself crumbling. I just wish Claire was here for me. "I heard a noise in the woods last night. I thought I saw something."

"What? Like a bunny? Maybe a butterfly?" Glimmer joked. "Adora, did you get any sleep at all?"

"Someone has to stand guard." I knew nobody was gonna spook up on us but I needed an excuse.

"Okay. I knew you're on edge because of what happened with Entrapta's infected robots and Claire going missing. But look it is all over now and we will find Claire. She will probably teleported somewhere stupid and is trying to get back to us. You've got to relax. You need a vacation. Which is why we're going to Mystacor." I have no idea what Mystacor is but I already didn't like it.

"Mystacor? No way?" Bow was probably too exciters for this trip.

"Wait, what's Mystacor?" I asked.

"It's a secret, floating kingdom that's home to all of Etheria's sorcerers. It's got tranquil gardens, beautiful beaches, and healing springs. My Aunt Castaspella just happens to be head sorceress there." I really just want Claire to be here.

"You'll love it. Adora." I could already feel that I was going to absolutely hate this. "Plus, you won't have to worry about evil things in the woods. Mystacor is protected by an invisibility spell, so evil can't find it!"

"It's the safest and most peaceful place in all of Etheria. We'll have you relaxing in no time."

"You know, I've never relaxed in my life." That was true. I was either training or sleeping when I was at the Horde.

"We're about to change that. Just wait."

A/n hey guys. I think what I am going to do with this episode is kinda summarize it. I want to focus a lot on Claire and what is happening to her. Get ready for some plot twist coming your way.

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