Chapter 24

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Y/N: you win. I surrender. End it

Famous people's last words before they die am I right...

Her Majesty raised her sword and forcefully pierce it through Y/N's heart before pulling out and throwing it on the ground

Tsaritsa: That's what you get for going against me.

Dottore: NOOOOO!!!!

Y/N started to cough out blood falling backwards almost touching the ground Dottore rushed in and laid her head on his lap moving her body higher and cradling her

Dottore: You fool ..( tears) why would you do this I was the one willingly giving up everything for you

Y/N: (Coughs) don't . . . be . . . sad. . . It was ... Fate . . that brought... us ... together

Pantalone and Childe ran over and huddle over Y/N

Pantalone: Should we bring her to the doctor?

Y/N: no.. please.. Hahaha, It's.. so .. nice .. to .. see all .. of ... you... Here... it makes .. me.. Very happy. . .

Dottore: you fool why just why don't leave me please don't leave me I can't live without you.

Y/N: sweetheart ... I'll.. always. Be ... by .. your ... side ... ( coughs continuous )

Childe: Please let us at least do something, please

Y/N: no ... please.. It's too ... late... For me... just .. want. You .. guys ... to be.. Happy ... and live life ... the way it is... I am proud of you....

Y/N's eyes slowly blinked trying to stay alive a while longer

Dottore: I love you ... I really do you never fail to make me smile even during an argument. I'll bring you back to life believe me

Y/N: Please ... don't.. Bring.. Me .. back .. to .. life.. Its.. time... I found... Peace ... I'll reincarnate I trust my gods may.. We.. meet again ... someday ...

Dottore immediately takes out the ring he prepared and slid it onto Y/N's finger and held her hand tightly

Dottore: You'll marry me right please say something

Dottore's body was shaking like mad he couldn't stop cold sweating

Y/N smiled in response and murmured the word yes before letting her eyes rest ending her life ...

Just like that she passed away

Tsaritsa: Is she dead? Good Guards clean the mess up. I need a fucking shower and the 3 of you are going back to the way things are without any punishment given. that was my deal with her so do as you are told.

Pantalone: Yes your Majesty ...

Having to swallow what he just said Pantalone arranges the most expensive funeral for Y/N in Liyue, Dottore carried Y/N's lifeless body back all the way to Liyue, only the 3 of them were there the entire time Zhongli came to visit few times and felt saddened by her passing

Pantalone couldn't process what just happened

Childe couldn't do anything right and felt lost

Dottore cried nonstop, and couldn't eat or sleep properly even.

After the Funeral . . .

Y/N was buried at the back of Pantalone's house beside a tree, having her tombstone written as

" Mrs II Dottore Y/N , Age ( )

Wife of II Dottore

Died peacefully ( Teyvat years )

Pyro Vision holder, Sword wielder

' She was the brightest light, bringing smiles wherever she goes may she rest in peace ' "

Dottore would visit her grave every day holding on to her dull grey vision sitting beside her telling her about his day and his whereabouts and what has he accomplished.

Dottore's POV

Days go by and I've gotten back to work cloning myself bringing it to different points in time and reporting back to me. I seldom went back to Pantalone's mansion since I got busy. No one checked up on me after I left .. I was all alone.

From time to time in my lab, I've seen Y/N sitting on the table looking over my work and smiling at me.

Me: if you're tired would you like to rest? I'm almost done with the experiment.

Y/N: I'm not tired. I'm just happy to be here.

Me: alright, stay put okay?

After I was done with my experiment I would piggyback Y/N to our room in my mansion in Snezhnaya we lived a happy life there. It was full of cuddles and warmth it never seemed strange.

After one of the fatui meetings I was on my way back home when Tartaglia and Pantalone stopped me

Childe: Where are you off to?

Me: Home to Y/N of course

Pantalone and Childe looked at each other and were equally shocked

Pantalone: Doctor... Y/N?

Me: yeah Y/N. You guys remember right? she lives in Liyue with the both of you for a while before coming back.

Childe: Can I visit her?

Me: let's go, it's been a while since we had guests. I'm sure she is supper happy to see you guys after so many years!

Pantalone and childe walked behind Dottore ...

Pantalone: has he gone mad? She passed away 5 years ago

Childe: Did he clone her?

Me: Guys come on! I don't want to keep her waiting

Everyone then hurriedly walks back to Dottore's mansion

No one's POV

Dottore: Dearest im home!

Y/N: Welcome home! ( running down the stairs)

Dottore catches Y/N in his arms and kissed her lips and spun her around before looking over at the boys who are pale as white

Pantalone and Childe just witness Dottore kissing the air and spinning around by himself and his arm hovering in the air like his holding on to something

Pantalone: Dottore? Are you alright?

Childe: Where is Y/N?

Dottore: You guys can't see her?

Pantalone: Dottore, Y/N passed away 5 years ago ... she's buried in my backyard

Dottore: nahh guys, she's here with us! Darling come say hi

Y/N: Dearest ... they're right you know

Dottore: Honey what are you talking about?

Childe: She died for us . she sacrificed herself to save us from her majesty ... you betrayed her by saving Y/N and Y/N returned the favor by saving all 3 of us . she died 5 years ago ... You took her vision as a remembrance of her. You never stopped working after that are you alright?

Dottore: What do you mean?! She's standing right here! And she never left me!

Dottore turned his head to face Y/N but she was no longer there not a soul or physical body in sight. he fell to his knees and started crying understanding that what he saw was just an illusion and understood that Y/N was no longer there with them

Pantalone got a professional Doctor to check on Dottore and turns out he has gone mad from losing Y/N, even her Majesty is rather concerned for Dottore and has given him lesser work than usual to grieve properly before getting back on track with her plans.

The rest of Y/N's friends didn't know she died for years they continued thinking she kept exploring for years and maybe found somewhere to settle down and start her own family.

The End 

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