Chapter 2

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Reader POV

My head felt so heavy, it felt like someone knocked me out hard ouch... wait why am i not able to move my body,

I shot my eyes wide open and there was blinding up above me. I lifted my head and looked around the room, it looked like a laboratory and WHY AM I HANDCUFFED BOTH LEGS AND HANDS!

Me: hello?

Person: Ah you're awake, I thought my knockout serum might have killed you hehe.

Me: Who are you? What do you want with me and where the hell am i?

Dottore: My name is II Dottore part of the Fatui Harbingers at your service hehe, you can call me Dottore, doctor, Mad scientist either one is fine hmm you're in Snezhnaya of course! this is my laboratory since the Queen herself is refusing to give me any more test subjects I figured I kidnapped my own and so happens you have the Pyro vision.

Me: i'm IN SNEZHNAYA!? Knock me out again this must be some kind of dream ha. wait. THE FATUI!

Dottore: Quit yelling, keep yelling and I might have to kill you.

Me; Ready to die anyways, if you kill me everyone in Teyvat will know.

Dottore: Oh really?

Me: Yeh! I'm part of the Liyue Qixing and a Knight of Foviouns in Mondstatd so they all will find out eventually.

Dottore: You mean this? ( Holding the pass that Gayun gave to you ) it seems like a regular pass to enter the chasm area, nice try sweetie but I don't think I'll be letting you off too easily now since you have piqued my interests

Oh, what have I gotten myself into ... SOMEONE SAVE MEEE Screaming into my own head doesn't help but great I am stuck with a lunatic ....

I carefully looked at Dottore and he walked to the table beside the one I'm laying on and started cleaning his medical supplies and I looked at it with fear in my eyes

Dottore: If you keep looking at me like that I'll get nervous honey, stop looking and relax

Me: pfft. How can I relax when I'm in Snezhnaya and far away from home? And the fact that you are using me as one of your experiments doesn't explain anything to me so just let me go, please. I have a normal life to live here. . .

Without saying another word Dottore turned around with a long needle in his and stuck it into my arm and drew out the blood it stung A LOT not going to lie.

Me: What was that for freaking hurts!

Dottore: I need to see if your blood is compatible with the serum I'm building. don't worry the serum won't kill you but I would like you to be my first test subject!

Dottore then started scrambling around the laboratory and putting my blood into weird containers and when one failed he would discard it and try it again. Watching him at work made me even more sleepy and I eventually fell asleep again.

Dottore: Hey! Don't sleep. I need you to be alive!

Me: uh huh? ... ( drifts off )

Dottore: what's wrong with this girl? All she does is sleep. Psh...

Me: I... heard that...

Dottore: So you aren't dead?

After hearing that my head felt so heavy again I just knocked out again and got to know what Dottore has done to me even, occasionally I would hear clanking noises around me but I would just shake it off and doze off even more...

Childe: Dottore, The Tsaritsa wants to see all the Harbingers.

Dottore: again...

Childe: Who's the pretty lady? ( leans against the door)

Dottore: Someone I kidnap.

Childe: You kidnap A pyro vision wielder?

Dottore: She claims to be part of the Qixing and the Knights of favonius.

Childe: let's go.

After coming back from the dead and hearing that awful conversation I opened my eyes once the door was closed and there was absolute silence in the room, I looked around before setting my hand on fire freeing my left hand and melting the rest of the handcuffs and got off the table before roaming around the room for anything useful and I saw a window ah thank goodness.

Me: time to get out of here.

I opened the window and looked out and saw nothing but snow and it was freezing, with the wind gushing in it making things worse. But whatever I got on the ledge and took a good look, it looked like 4-5 stories high shouldn't be a problem. Hopefully, I won't break a leg.

I took a deep breath and jumped down praying the snow was thick enough for a soft landing and turns out it was a soft landing.

There was no time to lose. I had to get away from this place. I started running away from this colossal mansion first before starting to run around like a headless chicken in the snowstorm.

I wrapped my arms around my own body and walked aimlessly in the snow before approaching a forest and started walking towards it, turning back a few times to check if I had been followed, thankfully I wasn't being followed.

I entered the forest and had no idea where I was but I kept on walking. It felt like forever but when I looked up at the sky it was in the shades of light orange and the sunlight beaming through the leaves, it was already morning.

I have been walking all night. What on earth... I need to get ... Why does my head feel so heavy ...

BLACK OUT. . . . 

Get the Hell away from me, II Dottore X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now