Chapter 15

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Dottore carried Y/N's body all the way to a random forest and sets her down at the roots and kneeled in front of her checking her temperature she was still piping hot, they rested a while before carrying her on his back and continued walking through the forest to god knows where. . .

Meanwhile, in Snezhnaya, Pantalone and Childe managed to escape from her Majesty and fled back to Liyue Pantalone headed for the northland bank while childe went to look for Zhongli . . .

Childe: Zhongli, how the fuck did she end up in the Queen's hands!

Zhongli: Don't start yelling Childe, I left her at Dilucs before leaving I could not think of anywhere else to put her I cannot put my people in danger

Childe: So you decided to throw her to Diluc. Amazing you know I got kidnapped or rather was dragged back to my home country and witnessed the Queen herself going to kill her out of spite cos apparently the Qixing hired Y/N to stalk the Fatui .

Zhongli: I did not know that, where is she?

Dottore: I don't know if it's okay to come here. . .

Childe: How the hell did you get here?

Dottore: I walked the long way and made sure I wasn't followed

Zhongli: the poor child, she has not even recovered ... I will get Baizu

Dottore placed Y/N on the bed and covered her in the blanket and sat beside her all the way

Childe: you got some fucking explaining to do. that act wasn't for the faint of heart and you literally betrayed Her majesty the Tsaritsa!

Dottore: Calm down. I know what I did literally pushed me down the ranks but Ajax you got to believe me when I say I really really love her and I will never want to see her sad or angry or die in other people's hands other than mine. Trust me when I say this I fucking love this bitch.

Childe: I believe you. but what you did is just insane you are putting your life and her life in danger because you went to numb the Queen!

Dottore: I had no choice, she was about to kill her, I cannot imagine my life without Y/N, Y/N is who I want. that is where my loyalty lies not another chick!

Childe: as you wish Doctor but there is no telling what the Tsaritsa can and will do the both of you this isn't my war to fight but whatever it is ... I hate to say this I'll be by your side if you need help.

Dottore: thank you Ajax.

Then Zhongli and Baizu came walking in and took a good look at Y/N and examined her body before getting her to down a herbal medicine and some pills to help with the fever

Baizhu: there is no need to panic she is okay, she needs rest. Like lots of it. I suggest no one goes to disturb her at the moment. if she gets any worse do let me know.

Zhongli: Thank you Baizhu

Dottore stayed beside Y/N all day and night for the next few days checking on her and sleeping with her, Childe and Zhongli occasionally will take turns looking after Y/N rotating with each other.

After a week of resting Y/N finally recovered from her fever and woke up in the middle of the night to see Dottore sleeping beside her and his mask off

She laid back down and took her hand and stroked his hair back revealing that precious face of his sleeping soundly ...

The door creepily opened and it was Childe shocked to see her awake and asked Y/N to step outside for a while, Childe guided Y/N down the stairs and sat beside Zhongli who also seems to be awake

Zhongli: are you feeling better?

Y/N: pretty much... how long have I been asleep?

Childe: almost 2 weeks, your fever didn't go down we thought you might die,

Y/N: could you both tell me what happened while I was asleep or half unconscious

Childe: well uhh after Dottore had sex with you, you fell into a deep fever, and then Pantalone and Dottore fought over you. the Queen came out of nowhere to stop them and I took you to Zhongli, and Zhongli took you to Diluc then the Queen kidnaps you herself and brought you back to Snezhnaya, and then she tried to kill you and Dottore saved you and betrayed the Fatui because he -

Dottore: Ajax ... enough that's more than she needs to know ...

Y/N:... I don't know what to say ....

Dottore: A thank you would be nice dearest.

Y/N: thank you ... I don't know what to say really... I never thought you would actually betray the Fatui like that...

Y/N shocked her head and went up the stairs and sat on the bed hiding under the sheets.

On the first floor . . .

Childe: will she be okay?

Zhongli: who knows...

Dottore: I'll talk to her you guys should go and rest. Thank you for looking after her.

Dottore heads up stairs and knock on the door slightly pushing it open and closing it as he enters, sitting at the edge of the bed, removing his mask placing it on the nightstand, and sitting facing Y/N

Dottore: Y/N Please...

Y/N: . . .

Dottore: don't be mad I had my reasons for betraying them ...

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