Chapter 7

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What seems like days have passed, Y/N slowly opened her eyes and looked around before feeling the pain on her chest and somewhat felt a weight on top of her, she raised her head a little more to see Dottore's upper body on top of her.

She tried not to move too much and used one finger to remove his mask to reveal his face but failed. Dottore's red eyes shot open in an instant and got up from her and stood beside her.

Dottore: You're awake. How do you feel? ( adjusting his mask)

Y/N: hurts.

Dottore: it wouldn't hurt if you didn't take the hit sweetie

Y/N: So you wanted me to let you die? It was an instinct I couldn't just do nothing.

Dottore: You know what? maybe you should have just let me take that hit life would have been easier for you right?

Y/N: wh... why are you getting mad now. You know what I'll do you better just kill me, it will end your misery one last thing to handle right?


Dottore yelled and stopped and looked at Y/N, who was on the verge of tears, the tears fell she didn't even realize it.

Dottore took a step back and walked out of Y/N's sight. Y/N sat there not knowing what to do she got up and walked in the opposite direction as Dottore and exited the ruins she entered and fresh air, looked at the night sky she started to walk far away from the ruins

Soon Y/N ended up at Mondstadt . And just so happened that Diluc was walking out of the tavern and saw Y/N in her current state.

Diluc: Y/N!

Diluc rushed over and caught her in time before her head fell to the ground and carried her bridal style all the way back to Dawn winery.

A few days later . . .

Y/N woke up instantly shooting up from the bed, looking around it wasn't home nor Liyue and slowly got out of bed and opened the door to see Diluc sitting by the dining table having his daily grape juice, she quietly walked down the stairs and got spotted immediately

Diluc: You're awake? That's good.

Y/N: how long was

Diluc: For more than 4 days , you took quite a hit the blood was everywhere.

Y/N: sorry I must have caused a huge mess.

Diluc: Sit and have lunch, you need to have energy and food in your system.

Y/N nodded her head and sat down quietly beside Diluc and Adeline brought out the meal that was already prepared for Y/N and she started to dig into the food, after she had her meal she thanked Adeline for the food and Diluc as well and went up back stairs to get dress and attempted to leave.

Diluc: Where do you think you're going? ( raises a brow)

Y/N: I shouldn't be bothering you here, I should get a move on.

Diluc: Where to? I'll come with you.

Y/N: it's okay, thank you for everything Diluc, I overstayed my welcome here so I think its best if i-

Diluc: Nonsense, we are friends Y/N, you can never overstay, go up and rest, I'll be heading to the tavern, if you need anything you can ask Adeline.

Y/N: Alright then ... thank you Diluc

On the other hand . . .

Dottore and Childe were in the factory trying to fix some stuff together apparently

Childe: Wait so you just let her leave? Just because she took a hit for you?

Dottore: Is that surprising? I let a girl like her take the hit for me? And I should have died back there with no thanks.

Childe: What if I'm saying what if, she liked you but doesn't know how to tell you?

Dottore: That's impossible, I barely had a connection with her.

Childe: But you just told me you cried and assumed she would die

Dottore: Well yes but still! Hey! stop questioning me and get back to work this is your mess I'm cleaning up

Childe: Alright alright, I'm just saying maybe there was that spark there but you never really noticed.

Dottore: Whatever, she's long gone and I'll never see her again.

Dottore and Childe continued to clean up the factory before heading back to Snznayer for another Fatui meeting . . .

Get the Hell away from me, II Dottore X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now