Chapter 12

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After Dottore exited the room Childe was standing leaning against the wall looking at Dottore

Childe: I know what you did. you're a sick man Dottore.

Dottore: I did what I had to do to excerpt my dominance over her. Do me a favor and don't go in go run some errands if you have to.

Childe: Pantalone will be back in a week and if he sees her like this you'll know what will happen.

Dottore: Please ~ I'm the number 2 fatui what can he do about it? throw money at me? HAHAHAHAhaha~

Dottore walked off without saying another word and Childe shocked his head before leaving the mansion to run some errands for the week.

Meanwhile in Mondstadt

Amber: I'm wondering how Y/N's adventure in Sumeru is going, its been a while since she came back to Mondstadt to look for us.

Eula: I'm sure she's busy exploring the woods and the schools there not to worry.

Aether: are you talking about Y/N?

Paimon: FOOODDDDDD ( munch munch munch )

Amber: I miss that goofy girl

Aether: We saw her in Liyue a while back, she said she went to Fontaine and came back to Liyue to settle some stuff before going back.

Eula: Fontaine? She told us she wants to explore Sumeru why did she end up in Fontaine?

Paimon: Beats me, i think she just lost track and ended up there ( munch munch much )

Amber: I hope she's not in any distress . . .

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Dottore washed up himself and went back into Y/N's room to see her sleeping there, he let himself in and sat down on the edge of the bed putting his hands on his head and mumbling to himself ' if only you love me the way you love Pantalone .... This would not have happened ... you were all mine and you just had to betray me you stupid bitch '

He looked over at her and touched her arm before finding his hand on the right side of her face that was burning up, he got a shock before heading to the toilet to get a rag and damp it with cold water and placing it on her forehead

Dottore: did I really ...

Y/N: I'm not dying am I?

Dottore: don't be foolish darling, I would never kill you there might have been a mishap with the serum I injected you with, and then the sex came into play, and then now you're just having a very very high fever. ( awkward )

Y/N: moron ....

Dottore unties her from the bed and places her next to him on the bed cuddling her to sleep with one arm over the shoulder playing with her hair and watching her sleep

Hours later . . .

Both of them eventually fell asleep in each other's arms and when Dottore woke up to see the night sky, he quietly moved off Y/N and headed to the kitchen to cook some soup with some medication alongside a glass of water brings it up to her room he places everything on the night table and slowly waking her up

Her eyes slowly flutter open making Dottore lose his shit on the inside

Dottore; you need to eat, here (spoon feeds )

Y/N: AHH HOT ( coughs )

Dottore: Sorry . . .

Tartaglia: Where is she ( slams the door open)

Dottore: Get out Ajax, there's nothing for you here. Tell him.

Y/N: Yes I'm fine ( coughs)

Tartaglia: You sure?

Y/N nodded her head trying to convenience Tartaglia and he exited the room once again.

The night went on with Dottore spoon-feeding her the entire bowl of soup and handing her some herbal medication instantly knocking her out. Dottore brings the bowl and stuff back to the kitchen and heads back up to tuck Y/N into bed moving her hair away from her face and elevating the way the pillow is being placed he leans in for a kiss on the forehead before standing by the window looking over Liyue

' i just hope Pantalone doesn't find out what I did to her thinking to himself . . .

On the other hand . . .


Pantalone: Oh look mail for me, must be Y/N

Pantalone opens the letter to see that its actually from Tartaglia

' We have an issue, Dottore is here in your home and he sorta ... how should I put it... he bound Y/N to the bed and kept her all to himself, I have no way of entering without Dottore knowing so. come back asap.

Tartaglia number 11th Fatui Harbinger '

Pantalone: Shit. 

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