Chapter 9

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Y/N was still staying together with Diluc not being a freeloader but she helps out at the tavern from time to time and the day came when she was ready to leave the winery and set off to find her own place.

Diluc: Are you sure you will be okay?

Y/N: definitely, you took care of me for almost a month its too much of a hassle, besides I am going back to do some adventuring

Diluc: alright since I can't persuade you to stay, Amber and Eula said you should all meet up soon it's been a while

Y/N: oh... I will, one day. Thank you Diluc

Y/N pulled Diluc for a hug and held him tight before letting go. Diluc looked stunned but smiled and patted Y/N's head and saw her walk further and further away from him.

Adeline: Master Diluc are you alright?

Diluc: I'm fine Adeline let's get back to work

What Diluc did not know was that Y/N is traveling to meet Pantalone to stay with him in Snzeynaya

Pantalone: How was your journey?

Y/N: freezing cold as usual. thank you for letting me stay here

Pantalone: You're welcome my dearest, come I'll show you to your room

Pantalone guide Y/N to her room on the second floor of his mansion and let her settle her stuff before joining him for dinner

Meanwhile at Dottore's Mansion

Dottore: I can't believe it she said she used to like me and now she's joining Pantalone wow

Childe: I told you but you don't want to listen this is why i don't get into relationships

Dottore: Don't talk to me about relationships there was never a relationship between me and her

Childe: You just said-

Dottore: Enough. I need to win her back on my side.

Childe: I tot you said -

Dottore: Ya ya ya.

Dottore and Childe head off to spy on Pantalone at his mansion, hiding in the cold bushes and looking through the window where Pantalone and Y/N are having dinner together.

Childe: they look like they're having fun

Dottore: I can't believe it, they really do like they're in love, Childe do you know what they're saying?

Childe: Do I look like a mind reader?

Dottore: Just trying my luck.

Meanwhile inside the mansion . . .

Pantalone: He's outside you know.

Y/N: Where

Pantalone: Don't turn your head so quickly, just take a quick glance and see the bush

Y/N: Ohh i saw, well that was rather unexpected for him to come sneaking up on people.

Pantalone: Let's keep chatting.

Back to outside in the cold . . .

Childe: This is going too far, look at how she's smiling. She's obviously happier with him than you. All you ever did was make her cry and confused about your feelings for her.

Dottore: I'm going in.

Childe; hey! Slow down! if we go in now it's going to make things worst!

Dottore; You're right... I need to go read up on what is love.

Childe: that's the spirit! Come on let's go see if the library has anything on it.

Back inside . . .

Pantalone: There will be a meeting tomorrow with the queen, I would like you to come and attend.

Y/N: why? I'm not one of the fauti harbingers yet

Pantalone: You'll see

. . . 

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