Chapter 23

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Tsaritsa: you do know that Dottore Saved you and betrayed the Fatui.

Y/N: I'm aware of what he did and this is where the deal comes into play

Tsaritsa: Pantalone, Tartaglia, and Dottore will be let off and hold no punishment. But you dare to challenge me for my THRONE!?

Y/N: well worth a shot anyway. I'm going to die either way so might as well go big or go home.

Y/N summoned her sword and looked her Majesty dead in the eye

Y/N: let's face it you don't have the balls to do it.

Tsaritsa: HOW DARE YOU!

Her majesty summoned multiple icicles and threw them directly at Y/N

Y/N lighting her sword on fire dodges every single one and melted some

Tsaritsa: You got the balls to demand tons don't you Y/N?

Y/N: I like to be a realist fight me bitch.

Tsaritsa approached Y/N giving everything she got summoned a weapon a sword to match Y/N and attacked nonstop

Y/N dodges a few got cuts in the process

This went on for a while.... Chandeliers falling from the ceiling and things being broken in the throne room

Meanwhile on the boy's side

Dottore: Can't the carriage so any faster for all I know my wife could be dead!

Pantalone: There is no use rushing we are only in Sumeru theres no way we can get there any quicker wait what did you call her?

Childe: Wife?

Dottore: look ... I bought a gold ring for her the other day I went to Liyue to walk with her ... I was going to propose the minute I woke up from that sleep and what was in that tea that made me sleep?

Pantalone: I gave Y/N that powder to put in your tea and you slept for 2 days straight that's when she left the minute you fell asleep

Dottore: YOU WHAT!?

Dottore lunges forward and grabs Pantalone's collar and shaking him like mad

Childe pulled Dottore apart before he strangled Pantalone to death

Pantalone: Look she insisted on leaving to do this on her own, nothing I said could stop her . she said she's doing this for you because she loves you more than anything else in the world. So I handed her the drug to use on you to test and turns out it worked really nicely

Childe: Wait so you initially wanted to marry her?

Dottore: sigh... what's the use ... I loved her the minute I laid eyes on her ... it pains me to inject her with the serum to test her body and push her limits ... I didn't mind losing my position in the Fatui just to live a quiet life with her just like how she wanted.

Pantalone: you both have communication issues.

Pantalone told the driver to go faster

The driver picked up the pace and sped things up ....

Back in the Throne room

Tsaritsa: surprised that you have some energy left in you despite being all bloodied up look at the pitiful face tsk tsk tsk

Y/N: you look the same sad to say I might have burnt your dress a little

Y/N charged forward attacking her Majesty slashing her dress even further even to her skin making her bleed

Her majesty slashes even more and hits heavily with every strike she gives

Tsaritsa: oh look at you bleeding, even more, does it hurt? ( evil laugh )

Y/N smirks and got back up in her position and swings her sword before putting it down on the ground and mumbled

"It been nice knowing everyone "

Y/N: you win. I surrender. End it

Meanwhile ....

The 3 boys arrived just in time and got out of the carriage and started running for the throne room and Dottore pushed open the door he witness the most painful thing he could have ever since in his entire life

Pantalone and Childe pushed the other open to see the horrific scene and stopped whatever they were doing.

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