Chapter 21

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Pantalone brought out some Tea for Y/N and both of them sat at the table drinking silently

Pantalone: Don't tell me you are going back there to deal with the problem one on one

Y/N: you totally read my mind.

Pantalone: the way you projected your message to me before you left for your trip kinda gave me the feeling you are going to do something stupid

Y/N; can you hide this from Dottore. As much as I care about his love for me and everything else i cannot bare to see him betray his family all of you especially... this is my doing a-

Pantalone: I won't stop you. thinking for him instead of yourself ... you are something else and i wouldn't want to lose you either ... I won't deny I liked you at a certain point in time and that won't change a single thing.

Pantalone got up from his seat leans forward and plants a kiss on the forehead followed up by a hug having her head on his six-pack abs her arms around his waist

They stayed like that for a few minutes before calling a night and returning to their own rooms, upon entering the room to see Dottore standing by the window overlooking the city Y/N creped up behind him and hugged him from the back

Dottore: how are you

Y/N: hmmm

Dottore: What sort of answer is that haha...

Y/N: come to bed let's sleep and we can spend some time together in the morning and we can do whatever you want

Dottore: yes dearest

Dottore turned around and plants a kiss on her forehead and one on the lips and picked her up bridal style and gently laid her down in bed removing his top and bottoms and mask and climbing into bed with Y/N ( the rest I'll leave it up to your imagination ;) )

Morning ~

Dottore woke up with the sun shining directly in his direction, not wanting to wake up Y/N he pulls the covers over her head and kisses her head before getting out of bed to wash up and get ready for the day

When he was done, he quietly left the room and stole a few breakfast items from the table and brought it upstairs, and placed them on his side of the bed slowly waking Y/N with the smell of food her eyes shot open, and looked at Dottore with all smiles

Dottore: good morning Princess, let's have breakfast in bed, shall we?

Y/N nodded her head and started digging into the food and had a make-out session in between breakfast after finishing breakfast Dottore told Y/N to wash up and get dressed

Dottore changed his outfit to a more casual and relaxed look same goes for Y/N

When both were ready they headed downstairs to see Childe and Pantalone still home

Childe: Woah where are the both of you heading off to?

Pantalone: seeing as the 3 of you have amended things I'm guessing a proper date

Dottore: it's the least I can do for my princess whom I love so much and will never want to leave her side.

Y/N: ha funny, yeah we are just heading to town and maybe the outskirts of the city a little bit, you guys need anything from the city?

Dottore: Don't ask them that! Such a hassle to carry their stuff back tsk

Y/N: it's called being polite dumbass

Childe: I'm good

Pantalone: we are good, we have maids for a reason so don't worry about it just come back for dinner, its been a while since we all had dinner together

Y/N: of course, see you!

Off they went to the city for their date

Heading from one stall to another the couple find themselves stuffing themselves with food and drinks and even sat by the harbor to enjoy the food before leaving the city to the mountain tops, upon arriving on the mountains there was a familiar voice that came about

Ganyu: Y/N?

Y/N: Ganyu! hello! Omg its certainly been a while since I last saw you

Ganyu: it's been terribly long I must say uhmm who's your friend?

Y/N: Oh! Him uhmm his a student from the academia in Sumeru I'm just taking him around Liyue to do some sightseeing haha

Dottore: Pleasure to meet you, Ganyu. If I'm not mistaken, my name is Damien.

Ganyu: oh pleasure to meet you too

Y/N: are you here to meet cloud retainer?

Ganyu: well I was just here to pick some Qixing flowers hehe I needed some besides I must be on the way i hope we get to catch up soon

Y/N: I'll know where to look for you go go keep looking for your flowers

Ganyu bid goodbye and it was just Dottore and Y/N at the top

Dottore: this is amazing I feel so free up here

Y/N: hmmm it feels so nice to be up here. if you feel like you can't breathe we can head back down

Dottore: Can you tell me something

Y/N: what chu need sugar cube?

Dottore: Are you going to leave me?

Y/N: like from this world? Or

Dottore: noo like leave me for another man like Diluc

Y/N: Diluc is like a brother to me there's no way I will leave you for him even if I want too I would have gone for Childe or Pantalone if that brings me no choice

Dottore: sureee i gues...

Y/N: is there something wrong?

Dottore: Spying on you for the last few days has been weird because you seem so happy and full of life but when you are with me

Y/N: shut up...

Dottore: I mean I'm saying the truth if I did not kidnap you

Y/N lunges forward and presses her lips against Dottore's making him keep his mouth shut

Y/N: do not ever think about things that way anymore what's done is done, I may look happy but now I'm even happier when I'm with you. Thank you Dottore

Dottore pulled Y/N close to him and they cuddled and watched the sunset together, the time came for them to head back home it wasn't a long journey but it was a lovely one for the couple.

Upon entering the house see Panatalone and Childe setting up the table

Y/N: We are back!

Pantalone: How was the trip

Dottore: Splendid

Childe: Come sit let's eat

Everyone Sat down at the table and started eating when everyone was done eating Childe and Dottore were upstairs and Pantalone and Y/N were out on the Balcony looking down at the city lights

Pantalone: You look like you have a lot on your mind

Y/N: I have to leave. For Dottore's safety

Pantalone: Where are you going? To fight her? The queen ? are you crazy or do you just have a death wish

Y/N: I cannot drag this out any longer... he doubted himself today saying what if he didn't meet me and he said I looked so happy when I was out with my friends and he almost cried. It would be better if I save his ass and keep him in the fatui and settle things myself with her majesty.

Pantalone: At least let one of us follow you

Y/N: no, I need you both to hold him here while I go over

Get the Hell away from me, II Dottore X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now