Chapter 19

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After the first day of being back in Mondstadt was done, Y/N headed to the Fatui building and Dottore was waiting outside for her, upon seeing her walking up to him he stood up and opened the front door for her and brought her to the room he reserved for themselves

Closing the curtains Dottore back hugged Y/N embracing her body putting his head on her neck leaving a trail of kisses

Dottore: How could you leave without me? I literally waited for you all night

Y/N: I had to leave early if not you would drag me down so how was your trip?

Dottore: Well I had no issues but certainly missed you the entire day seeing your head out of the city and drink back is a little weird aren't you drunk?

Y/N: I drank like 3 pints don't tempt me I might go for more. Anyways I'm tired I wanna sleep

Dottore: Hey! I haven't seen you all day and when I finally get you to me you wanna go to bed.

Y/N: it's not my fault I had to run around all day now you either appri- never mind. What do you want to do?

Dottore: No no its fine go to bed.

Y/N: Shut up and tell me what you want.

Dottore: just go to bed Y/N.

Y/N got mad and stormed off from the room without a word and headed out of the building and out of Mondsatdt summoning her sword she starts to slam things as she goes trialing off the walkway she wonders into the forested area and sat under a tree and fell asleep there

The sunrise was bright and early the beam of the sun hit straight into Y/N's face and she immediately woke up and stretched her body before getting back on her feet and walking back to the city to meet amber

Upon meeting amber at the city gate Amber looked confused

Amber: why are you coming from outside the city? I thought you told me you were living with someone whos in the city.

Y/N: uhh I went for a morning stroll that's all killed some hilichruchs on the way too so it's all cool

Amber: I see, come on! let's go

Amber dragged Y/N from the city to Stormterro's lair to the beach and lastly, Windrise chilled there and slowly watched the sun set sitting under the big tree Y/N looked at Amber and smiled before turning her head back to look up in the tree

Y/N: Will you miss me if I disappear one day?

Amber: What are you talking about Y/N? You're here now

Y/N: come on hahaha just answer the question, please

Amber: Well seeing that I grew up with you and we trained together it's an obvious answer YES what's up? you look like you have a lot on your mind.

Y/N: Nah dont worry about it, I was thinking of adventuring even further to like Fontaine or back to Sumeru Desert since I haven't really explored the area.

Amber: You're leaving for another trip?

Y/N: well technically I have to report back to Liyue before heading over hahaha

Amber: You are full of surprises and you know I can't stop you so I guess the only thing for me to do is to accept and let you be happy because your happiness matters most.

Y/N: Thank you, Dearest friend. Do not forget about me

Amber: Nonsense I would never forget about you. come on! let's head back to the city and drink more!

Y/N: You don't even drink! Hahaa

Amber: Getting you drunk is the main goal and Diluc is very good at making drinks that are super strong, One time Eula had a glass and she ordered more and more and eventually Kaeya and Sister Rosaria joined and all 3 of them instantly flopped on the counter it was too strong

Y/N: you wanna kill me

Amber: haha not that silly! you are extra funny when you are drunk

Y/N: Nice try to come on let's go have dinner before heading over

Y/N and Amber headed to the city to have sticky honey roast and many others before heading to the Tavern to be joined by others Kaeya and sister Rosaria are already helping themselves and Diluc looks mad as always the tavern was so lively it felt like forever in Y/N's eyes

Amber went ahead to order Y/N a goodbye drink and Diluc complied even though he disagrees with Y/N drinking that powerful alcohol

That entire night everyone was laughing and drinking away celebrating Y/N and eventually Y/N passed out on the countertop like Kaeya who was already laying there, Diluc told his staff to close up the Tavern while he takes care of Y/N

Diluc piggyback Y/N from the Tavern and slowly made his way home to the Dawn Winery, before he could reach home rattling noises started to come from the bushes and Dottore Poped out of the Bush

Diluc: I thought you were gone for good why are you still here?

Dottore: DILUC! My old pal, give me the girl I will take care of things

Diluc: The girl's mine fuck off.

Dottore: if you won't give me the girl I'll take both of you into the custody of the Fatui . Which would you prefer?

Get the Hell away from me, II Dottore X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now