Long time no see!

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Yui arrives back at the ship the next day Nagi and Shuna are standing there already.

Yui waves towards them to get their attention. 

"Nagi! Shuna! I'm here!"

Shuna runs up to Yui and squeezes her while swinging around. She starts to cry.

"I'm so happy your alive Yui! I never thought I see you again!" She sniffles.]

Yui gets emotional from this. "I missed you guys so much."

Nagi catches up to them.

"How about you two go and catch up and spend the day together? I got to get everyone to the church. That's where we'll be staying for the month before we sail back."

"We're staying a month?" Yui asks.

"Yea, you should have enough money to stay in the inn you chose. Shuna can stay there too. Shuna have the mages come to the church too. Also, will you get Yui a communication crystal?" He asks.

"Where are you going to stay Nagi?" Shuna seems concerned.

"I'll be with the people at the church. I had plenty of time to catch up with Yui Shuna. She's all yours for the month ahead."

Shuna jumps up and down. "Yay! Yui lets go and we can be roommates too! What inn we're you staying at?"

Yui and Shuna start to walk away. Nagi walks on the ship. 

"All right everyone! Make sure you have your belongings. We're going to the church." Everyone starts to get off the ship.

Yui and Shuna are seen walking through the town. 

"Let's stop by the city guild Yui. They sell the crystals there. We can also pick up a job if you like." Shuna tells her.

"Oh! I've never done guild quests before! There we're no civilizations on the island so I just hunted by myself." Yui says with excitement.

"What did you hunt? I'm curious what's over there could help me gauge what jobs we can do since your rank must be E then." Shuna states maturely.

"What rank are you now Shuna?" Yui being caught by curiosity.

"I'm currently B rank at level 58." She says proudly.

"Wow 58?! We've stayed close then ever since we were separated. I'm Currently lvl 60. I've hunted bears, goblins, orcs, drakes, and much more."

"Wow! You've hunted drakes?! They're tough ones to beat alone." Shuna says shocked.

"They are so I stayed away from them and the dragon."

"You've seen a dragon! I thought they were extinct?!" She yells.

They arrive at the guild and walk in. 

The guild hall is large with many adventures inside eating, looking at quests, or casual chatting or trading. There's even a blacksmith. 

"Oh a blacksmith! I wonder if he could make me some new weapons." Yui says with her hand on her chin."

"Oh my gosh Yui your equipment must be outdated!" Let's update it before we head back!" Shuna says. 

Yui pulls out her staff from a kid. It's worn down and on the brink of crumbling the blacksmith notices this. 

"You girl. How could you let a staff get that poor condition!? When was the last time you had this maintained!!" The dwarf blacksmith who suddenly appeared right next to Yui and Shuna.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2023 ⏰

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