Recovering Sucks

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The students arrived back early in the morning. They left the wagons loaded and helped the students who were injured get inside to rest. The instructors told the students school will be temporarily canceled and to review content and what they learned out in the woods. Also, to check on their fellow student's recovery. They didn't anticipate the monsters in the woods to be that heavy there. Some adults who know medicine and healing stayed behind to watch over the students. The rest of the instructors returned to help the fight against the troll and the rest of the monsters with the adventuring guild, and 2nd/3rd year students.

Knock Knock! "Yui Its Shuna."

"It's unlocked Shuna."

Shuna comes in and speaks.

"Class is going to be study hall until all the teachers are back. The people watching us told us. We can train or do whatever we want."

"Thats good. I wonder how long it will take them to clear out the forest. It seems the situation was a lot worse than they expected if they sent all the first years back."

"Yea, they're probably going to do recon to find out a plan to execute. It'll probably be a while. Anyways how are you feeling?"

Yui sits up. She makes a face in pain.

"Still hurts. Progress though. The healers healed it some more. They want to do it slowly, so my body isn't too dependent on it. Mana potion day for me, I guess. I can walk some now. Not far though. A few more days of healing they said. Yui isn't that excited about not being able to move."

"Well since its study hall how about I spend the day with you Yui?" Shuna asks.

"I would greatly appreciate the compony Shuna. What's Nagi going to do then?"

"I think he said he's going to train more with the sword or something. He had an idea to try some fire magic on it or something." Shuna says.

"Ok. Want to help me experiment more on that potion idea you had?"

"Oh! I completely forgot about that! Let's do it!"

"Will you help me to my desk than Shuna?"

Shuna helps Yui get to her desk she studies on.

"It's not just your side that hurts, is it Yui?" Shuna says.

"Yea... My hip and back hurts a little too. Thanks Shuna."

The two got to work on making more potions.

"The mana keeps escaping as a vapor... I wonder how we can trap it. Yui mumbles to herself."

"Earth would make it dirty. So the only option would be ice. Though then you couldn't see through it to control the spell." Shuna says.

"The water from the ice would just make it less potent again too." Yui says. "Also encasing it would prevent mana particles from even getting inside to make the potion. Though it's a good idea Shuna, I'm thinking it's not going to work. If I had glassware made a specific way to where I can push the vapors through, then let the liquid build up in there. It could work I think."

"If you have a schematic Yui, I could pass it along to my family's personal craftsman. He's a well talented dwarf."

"You do that for me Shuna!?" Yui says.

"Yea, I don't want to give up on this kind of breakthrough just yet."

"Shuna grab me some paper please! I just got an idea!"

She hands her a piece of paper. Yui starts to draw and add notes.

She draws an upside-down fishbowl where the spell can be performed with a tube leading to another chamber where the vapors can collect into a liquid with a little vent tube leading up.

God Messed up so I got ReincarnatedWhere stories live. Discover now