Field Trip?

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The students walk into class. Yui and Shuna sit together as always.

The instructor then walks in.

"Ok class. I received information from the Grandmaster that monster activity outside the east walls in the woods have increased. Therefore, we have teamed up with the adventuring guild to help maintain them before it gets out of hand. Both sides win from this since usually you would need to be registered with one to be able to hunt monsters."

The students start chatting.

"Real combat experience!?" A girl says.

"This is going to be so cool!" A boy comments.

"I can finally prove my worth." Another girl says.

"Ok ok settle down I know your all excited." The instructor attempting to regain control of the class. "Before we go though well need to cover some over barrier magic so you can protect yourselves."

Yui raises her hand.

"Yes Yui."

"What is barrier magic? I've never heard of this before."

"Thats a great question Yui. Barrier magic is a neutral magic everyone can learn easy since it is no element. It converts your mana into a shell-like form that can cushion physical and magical attacks. To use barrier magic, focus your mana into a physical form around you. Lose focus of this during battle could mean life or death. Therefore, we will train you some today and tomorrow before we head out. Let's head to the arena everyone." All the students get up and go to the arena.

After arriving to the middle, the teacher explains the exercise.

"So, we're all going to split into our groups again. These will also be the groups you will be in when you venture alone into the woods. I want all of you to focus on making a barrier first. After that train having someone hit you with a wooden sword. If you feel advanced enough, try focusing more mana on the point of impact while keeping the barrier up as well. Most of you probably won't be able to do this at first so well just focus on covering the whole body."

The students split into their team groups again.

"Looks like we're going to be partners again, Yui Nagi says."

"Looks like it."

"Yay! I get to be with Yui again!" Shuna shouts. She grabs both of Yui's hands and holds them up.

Yui smiles.

"You two sure became friends." Nagi says.

"Everyone enough chatter focus on making the barrier!" The instructor yells. "Especially your group Nagi!"

"Y-Yes!" They all say.

"So, focus the mana around our body...." Nagi closes his eyes and tries to imagine.

Yui and Shuna follow on this.

"Now try not to waste too much mana making this barrier. Mana is always important to have in a battle even if you're not mainly a magic user. When all of your group has succeeded in making one practice hitting one another."

"Ms. Shikari is this right?" Hitomi calls out.

She walks up to Hitomi. "Class look."

"Hitomi seems to be normal, and nothing changed. When the instructor touches her, they see a small clear like barrier wave on her."

"This is how a barrier needs to be. Hitomi I can tell by touching your wasting too much mana making it thick. Try making it thinner."

Shortly after the students return to trying more and more to figure it out.

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