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Here we go. The last Monday Night Raw before WrestleMania and it was going to be explosive. I mean, there was going to be bombshells left and right. That's how it always was before WrestleMania. Every story line would explode. Or at least, come very close to exploding. That's how it had to be to keep fans invested in the matches. But one in particular I was really nervous about. Not mine. And certainly not Roman's. It was my dad's feud I was really worried about. I felt sick to my stomach every single time I thought about that match and the stipulation for that match. Roman tried all week to find a way to make the stipulation different. He didn't like the one that was set. Truth be told, I didn't either. But my dad kept telling me that there was no legal way to get out of it. Dave's lawyer had drawn it up on a legal document which meant that there was no way around it. My dad also assured both of us that he knew he could beat him. And I had to believe that. I had to believe it with everything I had. My dad was one of the toughest guys in the business. I would be surprised if anyone could beat him. Storyline wise, yes. Real life? Hell no.

I sat on the couch in the locker room with Roman next to me and Matthew sitting on the floor playing with toys beside Sarah. I loved watching him play. Matthew was the light of my life. The sole reason for my existence. I would do whatever it took to protect him. Even if it meant putting myself on metal spikes and giving my last breath.

"The match is No Holds Barred, right?" Roman asked breaking the semi silence. I looked at him. "That means there's no disqualifications. Anybody can get involved. So maybe we get ourselves involved and make absolutely sure that your dad wins."

"And you don't think Dave will come back with some legal mumbo jumbo about how he was robbed of a fair match?" I asked. "Roman, I hate this as much as you do. More even. But there's nothing we can do but believe in the ability that my dad has and trust that he can beat him on his own."

"I can't believe your dad would even agree to this." he said.

"You know if he didn't, Dave would just take matters into his own hands and come after what he wants possibly hurting a bunch of people in the process. And we have Matthew to think about." I told him. "We can't risk that. And my dad knows that. I need you to believe in him. For me and for Matthew."

He sighed and rubbed his face. "Okay." he said. "But if it even looks like your dad might lose that match, I'm getting involved."

"That's fair." I said. "You know, for the last five years, I started remembering what Dave did less and less. It's crazy how he shows up and everything just rushes back like it happened yesterday." I sighed. "I should have pressed charges when I had the chance. Maybe this wouldn't be happening again."

"This isn't your fault." Roman said as he shifted to look at me. "Don't go blaming yourself for someone else's actions. He should know how to take no for an answer and move on. He's an obsessive asshole and if your dad doesn't kick his ass, I sure as hell will."

I looked at Roman. "Language." I said referring to Matthew sitting on the floor.

"Sorry." he said. "I'm just so frustrated about this. There's nothing that I'm able to do and I hate that. I just wanna keep you safe but I also wanna get my hands on Dave and I wanna make it to where this isn't happening to any of us."

"I know." I said. I moved closer to Roman and settled into his side. "I love you so much for wanting to protect me. But your love is the only thing I need right now. Let my dad do the rest."

"I do love you." he said. "I just wish this wasn't happening."

"Me too." I said. "I wish with everything I have that this wasn't happening. But it is. And even though I'm really freaking out inside, I'm trying really hard to be strong about all of this because we have the most important person to protect in the middle of all of this. Our son. And I would rather something happen to me rather than to him. So I have to be strong and I have to face this with every ounce of strength that I have because if I fall apart then there's no way I can protect him."

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