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So last week, was fun. After our segment in the ring, I got with Dean backstage and rigged Seth's Money In The Bank briefcase so that when he opened it later in the ring, it spit green slime all over his face. It was hilarious and it was only taking this story line another step. Of course, at this point the Authority didn't know I had anything to do with any of this. And I had to step my game up to make sure it didn't show. Tonight, however, Roman was gonna be checking in with the WWE Universe. It was via satellite but I was gonna be able to see his face and hear his voice and just see the passion he has for the business. I wished I could be with him physically because I didn't have anything to do tonight but I would be going to visit him after the show tonight so that was a plus.

I sat in the locker room watching the TV and spacing out. I was thinking about Roman. Texting Roman. Smiling while thinking about Roman. I couldn't wait to see my husband. I missed him so damn much. And I didn't mean just to be around. I missed him in other ways too if you know what I mean. I guess we would see if he's up for that when I go see him.

At the moment in the ring, they just got done with Tyson Kidd's match against Jack Swagger and now they were moving on to Roman's interview. I put my phone away and paid attention. I didn't wanna miss this. "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to Monday Night Raw. And please join me at this time in welcoming my guest, live via satellite. Roman Reigns." Michael Cole said from the announce desk.

The crowd was cheering loudly as Roman popped up on the titantron. I smiled as I watched. "What's up Cole?" Roman asked.

"Roman, how you doing? It's been two weeks since your emergency surgery. How are you feeling? How are things going? What's the update?" Cole asked.

"First of all, I just wanna take a moment to say hi to my amazing wife, Hannah Helmsley. I love you baby girl." Roman said causing me to smile more and my stomach to do flips. "As far as my recovery, things are going a lot better. The doctors are happy with my progression. I'm feeling a lot better. I'm able to move around a bit more." I bit my lip as he said those words. Perfect. "But, you know, with feeling better there's situations like this that kind of sucks. I'd rather be there with you guys in Brooklyn. But I know, it's only a matter of time. You know, I'm just counting the days down until I'm strapping that vest back on and I'm right there in the middle of the ring vibing off the energy of the crowd and kicking everybody's ass. And with the right attitude, focus and positive attitude, that's gonna happen a lot sooner rather than later. You can believe that." And that was the end of the interview.

A few minutes later, my phone rang. I smiled as I looked at the screen. Roman. I pushed the green answer button before speaking. "Hello handsome." I said.

"Hey baby girl." Roman said on the other side of the phone. "What are you doing?"

"I just got done watching your interview. Now I'm contemplating leaving the arena, getting on a plane and coming straight to you." I told him.

"That sounds nice, actually." he said. "I miss you so much."

"I miss you too." I said. "It sucks sleeping without you. Doing everything without you."

"Everything, huh?" he asked. I knew what he was getting at.

I smiled. "Well, maybe not everything. There's things I can't do myself that requires your help." I said. "But I have tried to not think about that stuff because I know you're still in a lot of pain."

"Baby girl, pain or no pain, I can still rock your world." he said. I smirked. "You come see me, get a hotel room, and I'll prove that to you. Over and over and over again." My stomach was doing flips at his words. My legs pressing together like if I relaxed, I would burst. I wanted him so bad.

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