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So, I haven't talked to Roman since he told me that he was gonna be a father. I didn't know how to process that. Hell, I still didn't know. It was swirling around in my mind all the time. All week, really. It was difficult for me to sleep, eat, think. It was hard not to go a day without crying. My heart was broken, shattered. Roman Reigns freaking shattered me. Probably because I loved him more than I ever thought I loved Randy. It hurt more walking away from Roman. I didn't want to but I had to. If he was the father of Jenny's baby, he needed to be there for that baby and I was not ready for a baby. I wasn't ready for any of that. So I couldn't be with Roman. I couldn't put myself or him through that. 

I walked into the arena with Nicole by my side. I'd told her everything. I told her about the baby and everything else that was said. She thought it was a good thing that Roman didn't actually cheat but she understood how I was feeling about the baby situation. And because she'd been so helpful to me, she volunteered to stay in my locker room with me. That way Roman wouldn't track me down and neither would Dave. At work I'd gotten so used to Roman being there that I was afraid to be alone here. And it felt nice to know that Nicole was stepping up to help me. She was truly one of my greatest friends.

"Are you okay to be here at work?" she asked as we made our way to my locker room. "I'm sure your parents would give you some time off."

"I'm sure they would but I don't need it." I said. "My parents don't know what's going on and I'd rather keep it that way. I don't need any more drama at work."

"Okay." she said. "Well, I'm here for as long as you need. I already talked to John. I didn't tell me the details but I told him that I'd be staying in your locker room for a little while."

"Thanks Nicole." I said. "You've been really helpful lately. I don't even know how to repay you for everything you've done for me the past week."

"You don't have to." she said as we walked into the locker room. "You're struggling and I know what feels like. I'm happy to be here for as long as you need me to be."

I nodded and then grabbed my outfit for tonight before walking into the changing room. Tonight I wasn't going with my gear. I was going with black leather pants, a rose gold crop top and black ankle boots. I slipped out of my street clothes and got dressed in my ring outfit before walking back out to the main locker room.

"Damn girl. That's hot." Nikki said as I stuffed my street clothes in my bag. "Hair and makeup?" I nodded and then we walked out of the locker room heading down to where we needed to go. I sat in one of the chairs while Nikki sat on the crate beside me. "So, how cool is it that you get to work with your mom?"

I looked at her and smiled a little. "It's awesome." I said. "It's always been a dream of mine."

"Yeah, I think a lot of the girls backstage have that same dream." she said. "Stephanie is the top lady and she's the one that every girl wants to be like."

I nodded. "She's always been a role model for me." I said. Nikki chuckled and I smiled once more at her. "Honestly, it's so much fun being able to work with her this closely. I wasn't ever able to before. It feels pretty great."

"Honestly, watching how far you've come from when you first came in, it's really incredible. And you've definitely held your own." she said.

"Thanks." I said.

We continued to talk for a little while until I was done with hair and makeup and then we made our way back to my locker room. Nikki and I turned the corner to the hallway where my locker room was and I immediately stopped. Roman stood at the door knocking until he looked our way. He let out a breath and stood up straight. I looked at Nicole and then we walked up to the door but instead of stopping and talking to him, I just walked straight into the locker room.

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