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So, last week I got to see the Authority off before they were thrown out of power. But also, last week, I had Roman on the road with me. And to top it off, he was staying on the road with me from this point on. He got cleared from his doctor but was waiting on the WWE doctor to clear him. But I was so happy to have him back with me full time.

This week, there was an anonymous General Manager and I was gonna get myself some action in the ring. I didn't care what I had to do to get it. With the Authority out, I an open chance of getting involved in another story line. Any other story line. Just as long as I could get in the ring and fight.

I sat in the locker room lacing up my boots with Roman by my side. It was nice to be able to wear my ring gear tonight. Even if I wasn't able to do anything, I hadn't put this on in weeks and it was just a great feeling to be able to wear it again. We sat there watching the monitor together, although I haven't really been watching it. I've been spacing out more than anything. Thinking about my time with Roman over the last week. We'd done a lot of spending time together and being intimate and laughing together. It was like nothing had ever happened. Like Roman hadn't gotten injured and been out for months already. Like I hadn't dealt with a miscarriage. It was nice. It was fun. I loved the time with my husband.

"Hey." Roman said catching my attention. I looked at him. "Did you hear a word I said?"

"I'm sorry. I was just thinking." I said.

"Thinking about what?" he asked.

I smiled. "The past week." I said. "It has been everything having you back here with me. I feel less lonely."

"Well, you haven't been exactly lonely since I've been gone." he said. "You've had your parents and John and Seth and Dean here. Not to mention Nikki and Brie."

"Yeah." I said. "I guess."

"You guess?" he asked. I sat back and he put his arm around me. "What's wrong?"

"It's just that, the past couple months have been so hard. I came to work and I was surrounded by people but somehow I felt just very disconnected from everyone. It's like you were gone and a piece of me went with you. Maybe it's because I wanted, more than anything, to be there with you. To be there during your recovery and help you heal. But I couldn't." I said. I looked down and felt a tear roll down my cheek.

"Baby girl." He said as he turned his body to face me. He lifted my chin and made me look at him. "I know exactly how you felt. The past couple months have been the loneliest I've ever felt. But what kept me going was the idea that eventually I would be back here, right next to you, able to hold you in my arms and tell you how much I love you. Because I do. I love you more than anything in this world and I am so glad to be back here next to you after all this time." I nodded. "Nothing else matters but you and me. Our life together. And now that I'm back, we can enjoy it. We can be happier than we've ever been. And we can just be together."

"I like that." I said. "I've missed you so much. And I'm so happy to have you back here with me." I pressed my lips to his once and then looked at him. "You are not allowed to be hurt again." He chuckled and then pressed his lips back to mine once more. I wanted to lock my arms around this man and never let him go. He was everything to me and I needed him by my side.


So we'd gone through most of the night. John had a tag team match tonight with Dolph and Ryback against Seth, Kane and Luke Harper. Dean was still in his feud with Bray Wyatt. And tonight the WWE Universe was voting to see who was gonna partner with AJ Lee to take on Nikki and Brie Bella and I was a choice in that mix along with Natalya and Alicia Fox.

I stood in gorilla waiting to find out who was gonna be AJ's partner. Roman, next to me and the other choices here as well. AJ, Nikki and Brie were already out by and in the ring. Jerry Lawler stood up with a microphone. "Well, it's time to find out who the WWE Universe voted to be your partner in this big match, AJ. Was it Natalya, Hannah or Alicia Fox? We have the drum roll. AJ who's your partner gonna be?" Jerry said. The votes showed up on the screen. It was me. I smirked and then looked at Roman. He nodded. "Hannah Helmsley."

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