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So, I'm a married woman guys! And it was one of the greatest days of my entire life. And I loved all the speeches that were made but the one that by far touched my heart more than any other was my dad's. It brought me to tears and I just absolutely loved it. But the very best part of that day was the fact that I got to marry the man that made every day brighter. The man that made every single day worth getting up for. He was my best friend and now he's my husband.

But now Roman and I were on our honeymoon. He brought me to Bora Bora and it was absolutely breath taking. We were at an isolated beach house and it was beautiful. There were large rocks almost fully surrounding the beach and the water was so blue, it was beautiful. Although, the first night we were here, we didn't do much swimming or laying at the beach if you know what I mean. What can I say? I hadn't had my man in a week. I had to get it in right away.

Today though, was day three of our honeymoon vacation and we only had one day left before we had to go back on the road and back to work. I didn't want to go back considering I was having too much fun with my husband on this private beach but it is what it is, I guess. We'd have time for more vacations throughout our lifetime.

I walked out of the bathroom dressed in my bikini as Roman tied up his swim trunks. "So, what are we doing today?" I asked him.

He turned around and looked at me. "What do you wanna do?" he asked.

"Well, I know what I really wanna do but it requires you to stop tying those and take them off." I said with a smirk. I stepped over and slid my hands up and down his chest. "I love what I see and I wanna see more."

He chuckled and grabbed my hands in his. "You are a wild woman." he said.

"What can I say? I love constemating our marriage. It's been my favorite part of this entire trip." I said. "What? Are you getting tired of it?"

"Hell no." he said before smashing his lips against mine. He lifted me up and then laid me down on the bed before pinning my hands to the mattress. I wrapped my legs around his waist as his lips explored my neck and chest. Holy crap. Best damn honeymoon EVER.


So, after showering and changing back into our swim suits, Roman had the bright idea of going cliff diving. I had never done that before and I was slightly scared. Maybe a bit more than slightly actually.

I climbed up the rocks following directly behind him and this was frightening. I had to constantly tell myself not to look down over and over and over again until I reached the top. Roman grabbed my hand and helped me up the last step before we looked out at the view. It was incredible up here. I mean, we weren't that far up but we were far enough that I felt like I was gonna have a panic attack. Our little vacation home seemed very tiny up here to me. I was probably over exaggerating but I was scared.

"You ready baby girl?" Roman asked.

"I can't." I said as I shook my head.

"It's okay." he said. "You'll land in the water. It's fun."

"Roman, seriously, I can't." I said. "I'm way too scared for this." I stepped back a couple steps and Roman stepped in front of me.

"Hey." he said as he grabbed my hands in his. "Hey. It's okay. But the only way down is by jumping." I groaned. "Hey. Everything is going to be fine. Just focus on me. Look at me and do everything exactly when I do it. Okay?" I nodded and then he took one of my hands as we both stepped up. I looked for a second and started breathing heavier. "Look at me baby girl." I looked over at Roman and he nodded. And just like we were in sync, we jumped together, hand in hand. As soon as we hit the water, our hands separated and I sunk down to the bottom before swimming my way to the surface. As soon as I caught a breath, i looked at Roman who was smiling at me. I swam over and wrapped my arms around him as he held me in the water. Immediately, I pressed my lips to his and he returned it before pulling away. "What was that for?"

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