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So before Roman went back on the road, he got some stuff set up in the nursery. We got it painted, the curtains hung up and the decorations. I even had gotten a wall sticker that said Matthew to hang on the wall above his crib. It was really turning out great. We got a bookshelf with a bunch of baby books, a little night light that glowed with stars around the room, a rocking chair that was so comfortable I could sleep in it. We put that right next to the window and his crib. Almost everything was done that day. I spent the rest of the week, getting the rest of it done. His clothes in his dresser. His blankets in his crib with two stuffed animals. A few toys. Everything I knew a baby would need I was putting in his room. But I also got his bottles and pacifiers in the kitchen. After that, I started baby proofing. Outlets, door knobs, table corners, baby gates, anything else I could think of. I don't even think I left anything for baby shower gifts which was sad but I was excited.

But that was twelve weeks ago. I'd been sitting in the nursery ever since just in anticipation. I mean, the room was done. All it needed now was the baby. And all I needed was to look like I didn't swallow a watermelon. It was crazy how big my belly bump had gotten in the last several weeks. It went from being just this tiny thing to being so big that none of my shirts fit right. But Roman was loving the hell out of it. He kept saying that the bigger I got, the bigger our son would be. That didn't exactly make me feel any better about it though.

So tonight, Roman was home visiting. He had been working like crazy on the road and it was nice to have him home with me for a few days. It sucked that a few days was all I got but it wasn't all too long ago when the roles were reversed and Roman was the one who had to stay home with an injury while I still traveled on the road. It got lonely on both ends.

I sat in the nursery for the hundredth time since we got it all done and I couldn't help but smile. "What are you doing in here pretty girl?" Roman asked from the doorway with his arms crossed over his chest.

I looked up at him and smiled even more. "It's like Christmas Eve. I remember sitting up as a little girl just waiting for the moment to open up presents in the morning with my parents." I told him. "Now we get our own present in just a couple weeks."

"Yeah." he said as he walked over to me. I knelt down in front of me and set his hand on my stomach. "It's pretty great thinking about the family we're gonna have. Our little boy. He's gonna have the best life."

"And the best dad." I added. He smiled at me. "I love you."

"I love you too." he said before pressing his lips to mine once. This was the best. I could only anticipate how our nights would be spent after Matthew was born. I couldn't wait.


So, my mom came over and asked me to go out with her. I couldn't refuse. I hadn't gotten a whole lot of time with my mom alone much lately. I wanted that time with her. So of course I went with her. I didn't realize, however, that it was just a ploy to get me to a baby shower. I was super happy and excited when we got there. I mean, Nikki and Brie were here. Jessica was here. Natalya and Naomi were here. Aunt Marissa was here. Even my grandma was here along with the women in Roman's family. His mom and sisters. Matt's wife. Their daughters. And it was beautiful. There were cupcakes and fruit, cookies and juice. 

The presents weren't bad either. My parents had bought me an upscale baby monitor. One that checks the baby's heart rate and breathing and everything. It was perfect. Nikki had bought me a bunch of stuff. Blankets, pacifiers, bottles, outfits. Brie got us some organic stuff. A hand woven blanket. Some super soft, organic clothes, some breastfeeding and car seat covers, and a tribal print photo of a mama bear and her cub. Natalya had gotten us picture frames for when the baby is born. Naomi got us a plethera of stuff including blankets, towels, diapers, wipes, bottles and books. Jessica got us a mixtape of baby songs to soothe him. And everyone else got us some of the little things. Bottles, diaper bags, diapers, wipes, blankets, pacifiers, stroller, clothes, burp rags, bibs. There was an assortment of stuff. It was great.

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