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I woke up wrapped in Roman's arms with a smile on my face. Last night was incredible. I'd successfully defended my Divas Championship against every other Diva on the roster and it was amazing. But the best part of the night happened when Roman and I got back to the hotel. He sure helped me celebrate properly.

I turned around in his arms and smiled when I realized that he was awake and smiling at me. "Good morning." I said.

"Good morning to you too beautiful." he said before he pressed his lips to mine once. "Last night was amazing." I nodded. "You wanna repeat?"

I chuckled. "As tempting as that sounds, we have to meet my parents in the lobby for breakfast." I said. "It's kind of a ritual with my family. And now you get to join in on the fun."

"Well what if we're a little late." he said as he hovered over me. He pressed his lips to my neck and I gasped. "You think they'll be okay with it?" he rasped in my ear before moving to the other side of my neck.

"Mmmm." I moaned. "Maybe we can be a little late." I said as he pulled away. I smashed my lips to his and locked my legs around his waist as we went for round two. And it was a fantastic way to wake up.


Breakfast was amazing. We'd had a nice conversation with my parents about our relationship and nothing about work. But that's not unusual. My parents never wanted to talk about work when we had our breakfast together. It was like a rule or something. And they really enjoyed having Roman with us. It was the first time he was joining in on our breakfast dates and he really liked it. So that was a plus.

Now, we were at work. Roman and I walked into the arena together with our bags over our shoulders as we made our way to my locker room. He insisted on still getting ready in my locker room instead of his friends'. As soon as we got to the room, I sat down on the couch. Tonight was the night that the Shield was turning face against the Authority and it was a pretty great night but it also meant that I had to be within close distance to Dave. I didn't want to be. In fact, I didn't wanna be anywhere near him. Not after what he did. Hell, I didn't want Roman to be anywhere near him. I feared for Dave's life if Roman got ahold of him. So far he's kept his distance but that could all end any time. You never know with him.

Roman sat down next to me and set his hand on my leg. "You excited for tonight?" he asked.

I knew he was talking about the story line with him and me. I nodded. "Yeah." I said. "I'm excited to bring our relationship into work. It's gonna be great."

"It is." he said. "I'm just happy to be working with you. I've been wanting to do that since we met."

I chuckled. "I actually believe you." I said. I looked at him and smiled. "You know what I was thinking? Neither one of us has gone home with the other yet. Maybe after tonight we can?"

He nodded. "That's a good idea." he said. "Where should we go first? Your house or mine?"

"Yours." I said. "For sure."

"Why mine?" he asked with a smile.

"I just need a break from it all. I need to get away from work and away from my family for a few days. So, it's your house first since you live in Florida." I told him. "Besides, if it's hot down there, I might even walk around naked. I can't do that at my house. It's too cold."

"Sold." he said causing me to laugh. He was so predictable it wasn't even funny. "Well maybe since you'll be coming home with me you'd like to meet my family."

"Really?" I asked. "You want me to?"

"Of course." he said. "Look, I love you so much and there's nobody else I'd rather have meet my family."

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