Seven deadly sins(my version) part 5

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This is Mammon the demonic lord of the ring of greed

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This is Mammon the demonic lord of the ring of greed. He and most of his demons are amongst the greediest and riches demons in all of hell, but of course they are not as rich as any of the demons in the pride ring. The greed demons always wanted to be richer than the pride demons but have never gotten close to them in terms of money.

The entire greed ring is like one planet sized version of Las Vegas, where any demon can gamble their money, get drunk, get high, get laid, get divorced, or even go bankrupt. Mammon rigged the machines and the games in his favor so that he may never lose any of his money to any demon. And even he were to lose any game with a greed demon, he'd kill them on the spot and steal all his riches.

Now Mammon is not only the second riches person in hell, he is also the most intelligent as he has access to several technologies that he has stolen and learns from them and uses this technology to upgrade himself and his ring of hell. Unlike most of the lords of hell, Mammon has more horns than any of them due to him making it look like a crown. However one of his horns are broken because he tried to steal Lucifer's crown and he payed the price dearly. He also lost the fingers on his right in the process as well and had to replace them with metal claws instead. Mammon is the one of the right hand man of Lucifer and is the commander of the demon armies.

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