My OC Drawing

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This was a character I came up with when I was having a walk one day. I thought back on my latest oc, the Love mage from my skylanders adventures episode. Then I thought about other mages that could exist in skylands like the chompy or sheep mage. I was also thinking about Willy Wonka and how he is basically a candy wizard. Which then led to the idea and creation of this new character. Who will appear in skylanders adventures, but in season 2. If I can live long enough to reach that far. Anyways without further ado, here is the new oc.

This is the candy mage, and if you're not made of candy, he won't like you

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This is the candy mage, and if you're not made of candy, he won't like you. And neither will any of his candy minions. He is literally made entirely out of several types of candy. His skin is made of bubble gum, eyes are made of an M&M and Skittle, hair is Cotten candy, boots are made of jolly ranchers, and the high heel part is made of ice cream cones. He even has a candy necklace and bracelets, and some ring pops. He is basically an evil version of Willy Wonka and the only golden tickets he gives are in the form of his evil candies that can turn anyone into a candy person like he is, but their skin would be made of chocolate and their blood would be a red raspberry filling and would become his slaves for his recipe for disaster. He believes that skylands would be perfect if everything was made of candy much like how the chompy mage believes that skylands would be better if everyone was a chompy. But the candy mage wants everything to be a candy paradise and make everyone who eats his candy. And he wants to make skylands into his candy kingdom and rule it with a candied fist with his delicious scepter by his side.

I hope you all like this character and I'll see you all soon. Bye bye!!

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