My Oc drawing

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This is one of my ocs that I've drawn a while ago. I put a lot of thought into him and what he can do. He is also part of the same universe as skylanders but from a different realm. Anyways without further ado, here is my oc.

The colors off to the side was just me testing if they would fit perfectly with the character

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The colors off to the side was just me testing if they would fit perfectly with the character. This character has no name yet. He was originally gonna be called heat shot but that just seemed boring and bland. So if you can come up with a name for him that'll be great. But anyways, here's this guy's story.

A/n is a novakid and like all novakids A/n is completely forgetful. His race always forgets every information given to them due their long history of not recording their own history and their short attention span. Though A/n can remember most things like his name, where he puts his weapons, and his wife. There are a lot of things he easily forgets, like what to sentence any man who did something bad with, that's why he carries his instruction manual with him. Yes that's right, he's married, and has a son(don't ask how). If it wasn't clear, his people's culture is far back into the western days due to their lack of memory and intelligence. But they're not stupid. A/n was a sheriff to his town of Novak. He would stop any criminal that ever came to his town and sentence them to wherever they needed to be based on what is says in his manual he carries around. One day when A/n was at his home on a hill, far from his village, he saw something that washed up upon the river near his home. He thought it was another novakid but when he pulled her out, she was the complete opposite of his race. She was a cometkid. A species that is similar to the novakid but different. Novakids originally came from a star that no longer exists and is forgotten, whereas cometkids come from a comet that has crash landed in skylands. Novakids and cometkids never got along due to them being elemental opposites of each other. One is fire(novakid) the other is ice(cometkid). In fact A/n was about to turn her in, but she cried and begged for him not to, and so he spared her life, for now. She was however brought to his house where she was given little freedom. Overtime A/n has come to learn her name was Olivia Ice, and then they moved onto small talk, and after a while they started to develop feelings for each other. And then she would secretly become his wife. When Olivia revealed to A/n she was pregnant(or something) he nearly fainted. Nine months later, their baby was brought to the world. He was a hybrid of two rival species, and he was named after what he shall forever be known as. Cosmickid. And at that moment on, A/n felt his life was complete.

But of course nothing beautiful lasts forever. For one day the novakids of A/n's town discovered about his secret marriage with their rival race, and so they took Olivia and their son away from him never to be seen again. Realizing how evil his species is, he left his village and everything behind and brought everything he needed and wandered the infinite islands of skylands to search for his wife and son. But after some years or weeks, he wasn't sure as he didn't keep track of time, let alone knew how to, he finally gave up all hope, and his flame was about to go out before someone called out to him and told him his wife and son were alright somewhere, and that Olivia wants him to continue fighting rivals so that they may not share the same fate they did. He came back to his town, after several hundred directions due to his forgetfulness, his town was at war with the cometkids and they were both destroyed by the drow because they refused to work with them. The drow were defeated and that's when A/n came across a group of heroes called the light riders who were led by Avalance who was second in command and offered him to join the light riders so that other novakids and cometkids wouldn't suffer the same fate as the people of his village, or his love. And will finally get along. He reluctantly joins them and has helped them from day one, but always mispronounces everyone's names, including Avalance. Avalanche, aid a wrench, and avomance.

Catchphrase: it's...wait, what was I gonna say?

Personality: speaks in a western accent, kind hearted, strong, fierce, and is extremely forgetful

Secrets: none

This character was inspired by the novakid species from Star bound. It's a very interesting video game and I recommend it to any gamers out there. He was also inspired by Jonah Hex from the comics as he is a cowboy who also lost his family, but is not a killer, unless necessary.
I hope all love the story of this character and the character in general, remember if you have any name suggestions I would greatly appreciate it. Also the light riders and Avalance are not owned by me but rather from a user who's called TataliTat, on deviant art. Her art is very cool and amazing and I definitely recommend her to anyone who loves skylanders. Anyways I hope you like it, and I'll see you all soon.

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