• CHAPTER 33 •

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~ Gargi's Pov ~

"No I can't accept your proposal Luo Yuaxii!" I said 

He looked disappointed! He looked heartbroken! But I can't play with his feelings! I need to speak the truth.

"Why Gargi? Why? You always have had a crush on me! You stalk me on the internet, watch all my dramas! You said I was cute, I was handsome!" He practically cried his heart out

Seeing him like that, I held his hand in mine and said, "No Yuaxi! I can't marry you!"

Looking at his heartbroken face, tears brimmed into mine. "Why? Just answer me Why?" He asked between his tears

I remained silent

"Is it because of Avyaan? You have been into me since so many years, And this guy, You have met him not even for 15 days, And you choose him over me?" He smiled sadly

His painful smile stabbing my heart. I remained silent, my head hung low.

"Fine, If this is what you want! I'll leave you for better, I'll leave you forever!" He said with determination, withdrawing his hand from my grip and Wiping off the tears from his face.

He started fading away. I don't know where! I don't know how! But he was disappearing into thin air. I tried moving, catching him up  but suddenly someone held me tight. I was wriggling my whole body to get out of that grip but I failed. I screamed "Don't leave Yuaxii!" "Leave me!"

Yuaxi seemed no where, but someone still held me tight. In anger, I moved my hands with extreme force and suddenly someone screamed out loudly, "Owwwww!"

That's when I opened my eyes to witness Avyaan sleeping? On the floor of my room.
But I was with Luo Yuaxi, how did I get here? Where did Avyaan come from?

And yes ladies and gentlemen, I figured it out as well! IT WAS JUST A FUCKING DREAM!
I sighed. But suddenly the door opened, With Sakshi and Aryan running in.

"What's wrong? Why did you scream?" Sakshi asked

"He proposed me and I denied!"I said to sakshi

"Avyaan proposed you? Oh my God! And you rejected him! What the heck is going on?" Aryan shrieked

"You rejected? But why?" Sakshi whined

"And you also beat up my brother? Is that the reason he is on the floor?" Aryan exclaimed, Shocked

"If you didn't want to have a relationship with Avyaan it's okay, there's no need to beat him up Gargi!" Sakshi said with a shocking expression

"Guys!" I screamed

"Gimme two fucking minutes! I need to clear my mind! Just two minutes!" I said and they kept mum

I stood up and helped Avyaan get up and made him sit on the nearby couch.

"Okay, firstly, Not Avyaan! But Luo Yuaxi proposed to me!" I said

And three people screamed together, "WHAT THE FUCK!"

Sakshi's tone had mockery and laughter. Aryan's tone had shock while Avyaan's tone had Anger? Maybe

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