• CHAPTER 12 •

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~ Avyaan's Pov ~

After meeting family again and Being teased by Ananya di we bidded them a goodbye. Me and Aryan were seated in the apron messenger buses. I flashed a cocky smile to Aryan and asked, "Are you my brother, Aryan or some doppelganger?" He gave me a confused smile

"I mean, tu kuddi vich Kamar pakad raha hai, you are being a Coolie and helping her drop her luggage, you were staring at her shamelessly, being nervous talking to her, sneaking glances"

He blushed profusely and a small smile crept on his face for a millisecond and then he glared at me.
If I had even blinked my eyes, I would have missed that small smile, but Aryan Singhania, you are caught red handed.

"and then flashing these smiles like a love sick puppy!" I said

All the colors of his face drained.

"What no, I was not even thinking about Sakshi!"

"Bro when did I say you were being a love sick puppy For SAKSHI?" I smirked

"Anyways, we won't see her anytime may be, unless destiny wants us to meet again, so talk about something different" Aryan said diverting The topic

We boarded the aeroplane, I took the window seat.

Suddenly a beautiful girl of around my age, Technically short, But she was looking adorable in her brown classy comfy outfit, she really had some good dressing sense! She looked pretty, her black orbs, plump rosy, pouty lips, Hell i wanted to kiss them! Like really? I have seen her for the first time in my life and I feel like kissing her? Seriously, I expect better then this Avyaan! I scolded myself and continued examining her features. To be honest she wasn't skinny nor too fat, may be a little, very little on the fat side, but she had those curves, and she had right amount of fat on her right places, come on I don't wanna sound like a perv!

"Um, Hello Boys!" She spoke softly! Uff! Her voice was angelic!

"Um, HI!? Do we know each other?" Aryan asked

"No I suppose, but I wanted a favor!" The pretty girl said

"That is?"

"Would you mind switching your seat with me? It's like me and my bestfriend are traveling first time to snow clad areas and mountains, And I really wanted a window seat, but she is adamant on not switching it with me, you guys looked decent, so do you mind doing that?"

I was staring at her, without blinking, I was staring at her as if I haven't seen any girl in my entire life.

Aryan agreed to her, but I was still drowning in her black orbs. Correction! Mesmerizing black orbs!

Aryan nudged me making me come back to my senses, indicating me to get up and sit on her seat!

Honestly I don't want to sit with her bestfriend! Fuck I wanna sit with her! But I would sound like a jerk! Hell no! I won't make such a bad impression on her, so I offered her my seat like a gentleman and started moving back.
Firecrackers burst off my head  when she held my hand and asked me to stop.

Me and Aryan, were both were confused!
She left my cold hand and how I miss the warmth of her soft hand!

She was silent for a whole minute God knows thinking about what! But then she hesitantly asked Aryan "Would you mind occupying my seat?"

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