• CHAPTER 30 •

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~ Avyaan's Pov ~

I returned back to the villa only to find that I left in such a hurry that I forgot to carry keys with me. I knocked the door twice and My future sister in law opened the door with a Goodday biscuit smile.

As soon as I entered she pushed me inside Gargi's Room, Like seriously, she pushed me, I wonder how a girl as thin as a bamboo stick could push Me with such force.

Anyways, Just when I entered the Dark room, I switched on the lights, And Boom! I witnessed something which made my eyes go wide with surprise and also some hint of excitement and happiness.

Gargi's room was now converted into a Birthday party hall, I mean the decor, it was so good. All above the ceiling of the room, The beautiful balloons I various colours were attached, dangling on it, a long ribbon having the photos mostly of mine, and few with the rest three present at the moment of the trip. Heart and star shaped balloons were scattered all across the floor. Couple of vases with fresh, charming flowers were placed on the nightstand and the small table. Astonishing thing was a Claw Crane or a Claw machine kept adjacent to the closet. On The bed, there were many gifts wrapped in gift papers in pastel shade.

"Woah! I might need to get hospitalized, cause girls this just made my heart stop" I said winking at the girls while keeping my right over my heart.

"Drama Queen" Gargi muttered rolling her eyes

"Pardon me, Miss. Prabhu?" I said

"Nothing, nothing,  come see the gifts, you also have to earn three gifts right?" She said and made me sit on the bed while the rest three sat a bit away but still on the bed.

Firstly I opened a slimmest present, Opening it, my eyes became teary. It was from Avika, It was a beautiful greeting card, it was surely made by my little toddler. She drew a big cake with a square headed Man who I assume to be me, cutting the cake. She also had drawn balloons, flowers and gifts in the card. It might not be the best greeting card for the world but for me the Humongous efforts put forth by my little one made my heart swell with pride and love.

"Hear this out, your second gift" Aryan said and played a voice recording

"Happy birthday Mama, Love you and I miss you, come soon. And Mama said you'll bring a Mami as well. Don't forget my gifts. When you come back we will go out to eat chocolate truffle cake please, I made the card for you, Papa after doing the dishes and pressing Mamma's foot helped me in coloring it. Don't tell this to Aryan Mama okay? That you are my favorite Mama! Avi loves Avi Mama"
My little niece said in her baby voice. Why is she so cute?

"How adorable this little girl is!" Gargi said and Sakshi agreed

Then I opened another gift, The note read, "Although I didn't give you birth, you are my Son, The warmth in every hug of yours melts my heart. I still remember how everytime you would Steal my makeup to paint your sister's face, literally drawing whiskers on her face with kajol stick, painting her nose Red with my lipstick or using my eyeshadows and eyeliners to make her a pirate who has only one eye.. You were so naughty well scratch that, you are so naughty. I'm proud to be your Chhoti Maa Avyaan! Be happy always!"

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