• CHAPTER 21 •

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~ Sakshi's Pov ~

Damn! That girl! She forcefully made me wear those facemask for 20 minutes! Then I had to take a shower and clean myself!

Once I got out of the shower I saw a packet which read "Be ready in this and meet at the lounge cum sitting area in half an hour!"

I huffed! Who the hell is it? I then opened the bag and saw it as the same dress which me and Aryan had bought yesterday for his cousin!  I was Hella confused! I dialed his phone which was apparently Out of service! Yea! It's because only Certain companies Sim cards worked here efficiently!
I then called Gargi! She didn't receive the call! Instead she texted me saying, "Just do as directed! Please! Get ready in that and get your ass here to the lounge fast!"

Um, may be Gargi bought this dress for me? And coincidentally she bought the same pattern?

I had no other choice so I stripped off my Pajamas and wore that gorgeous ankle length solid Red button A line dress with a V neck and puff sleeves.
Applied some makeup, Wearing some studs, brushing my hair and wearing some accessories I finished my look!
I stared back at the girl in red in the mirror, she looked pretty!

I then went to the Lounge room! I hitched my breath when I saw it completely empty! And scented candles everywhere!
Out of the blue Aryan came up to me and gave me a bunch of red roses! IMy favorites! I took them! Still confused!

Then he offered his hand which I took hesitantly and then he guided me towards the centre of the lounge.

There were red balloons scattered.

He first gave me a paper and said, "Once I speak everything then only open the paper" I nodded

He took a deep breathe and took out something from his pocket!

He then knelt down on his knee, holding one of my hand, and a small red velvety box in other hand, He smiled at me.

"Um, okay this is my first time I'm expressing something like this so just stop me if I blabber much! And sorry I won't be perfect!" He said

Another deep breathe and he finally spoke!
"I really like you Sakshi! And it's not a silky crush it's really a strong feeling! Whenever you are around my heart beats frantically, I like holding your hand, it somehow injects some kind of warmth inside Me! I get lost In your eyes! I haven't felt such connection with any of the female friends ever in my life! I want you to be Someone who'll Be my support! Who'll back me! I see a future with you! May be its too early to say it's love, but the day before you were the one who said likeness can be changed into Love! I trust you and respect you! Trust and respect would be the base of our relationship, I can assure you that! So Miss. Sakshi Naique! Would you like to be my Girlfriend!?" He asked

This was something directly from my heart! It wasn't cheezy but it was cent percent truth.

I was numb! I froze on my place! He was still on his knees!

"I like you too!" I mumbled shyly avoiding meeting his heating gaze.

"I like you too Aryan, you are such a sweetheart! You are a total gentleman! You have a kind heart! I know it's so early but to be honest you have really gotten close to my heart! So much that your absence would make my heart feel pain! And yes! I would be honored to be your Girlfriend! Mr. Aryan Singhania!" I said looking directly into her eyes.

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