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"So..." Demetri and Santiago ask me, we are in Seattle hanging out as Tory deals with some supernatural business somewhere around here. She told me that none of the supernatural groups are happy with the cold one vampires right now, so seeing me they may kill. So here I am with my friends talking about the date I took Tory on last night "how was the date with Tory?"

"I don't know" thinking "we were supposed to have a nice dinner at the place in Port Angelas when her birth father and step mother showed up and interrupted it" reciting the events that happened last night "then we came here to feed but she saw Corin and...Tory still isn't happy about Corin kissing me even though she knows that Corin kissed me, she is still angry with me"

"Give her time" Demetri tells me "if Heidi saw someone else's lips on mine, she'd get all territorial but also she'd angry with me since I let that happen"

Santiago raises his eyebrow "you speak from experience, did something"

"This was long ago" Demetri leans back throwing his arm over the cushion "Heidi didn't speak to me for centuries, but this was before we met. Also" pointing to me "she found me and this woman in bed together"

We give him a look "your going to need to explain in further detail"

"Alright" pulling his arm back "the day Heidi and I met, she hated me since she knew about my reputation as the Casanova of vampires while she wasn't so perfect either. To get back at me she would flirt with every human and vampire just to make things even for sleeping with a woman before I met her" scoffing he looks away "that fucking woman gives me a migraine sometimes"

"Is she even your mate?" I ask, we all remember the two getting married but Demetri never confirmed it while Heidi says they are.

"Not by a long shot, she just loves to tell people" looking at me "you" pointing at me "need to give it time, Tory is most likely just hurt since she didn't know you were mates and also feels foolish for assuming things"

"If I was a guy" we look at Santiago curious "did I just say"

"You did" we say in unison

"It's fine" Demetri raised his hands "if your"

"Yeah man" nodding my head "if there's something you want to tell us"

"I'm not transgender" he cuts Demetri off "I just meant if I was someone in Felix's position—not that I'm not a" waving to his cock "I'm all man...Let's get back to Felix"

"Yeah" Demetri looks at me "give her time, I mean from want we found out" yes I asked Demetri and Santiago to basically be PI's for me on my mate "she has a terrible history of people abandoning her, also having bad taste in men"

"See; this was a few days before you two met" Santiago shared a voicemail of Tory's ex boyfriend drunk.

"Baby!" Mason yells "please, let me sink my six inch cock deep into your tight pussy and fuck you till you are pregnant! I need you so much! My cock is throbbing for you!"

"What man says stuff like that?" We look over to see in the doorway was Chelsea.

"Chelsea?" Santiago asked "what are you doing here?"

"Afton is taking Corin back" Chelsea sits down on the couch between Demetri and Santiago "now, who was that?"

"Tory's ex" I growl "I met him a few days back"

"And he's still alive?" Demetri laughs

"Not after I'm done" looking at him "any more recordings or"

"There's one where he emailed a video of him fucking a blond who had a mask made to look like Tory" Demetri said "this guy is like a new level of stalker, I'd keep an eye out for him"

"He's a siren" I say "even if I did, I don't know how important he is and only Tory can do something"

"I want to hear another one" Chelsea goes to the laptop and pressed a recording and we hear groaning.

"Victory!" Mason yells "Oh baby! Do you hear me! Do you hear how I'm jerking off to the" Chelsea stops the recording.

"Okay..." if she could blush I'm better she would "is there" holding her hands out looking at me "anything I can do to help?"

"Chelsea?" I ask "if you saw another woman's lips on Afton's" her eyes darken "it's a hypothetical" she sighs relieved "but if you walk in seeing another woman's lips on Afton's, what would you do? I mean if you didn't have the full story would you"

"I'd be hurt" she said "the image would rewind in my mind, I'd kill the woman—why?"

"Corin kissed Felix and Tory saw but didn't know that Corin kissed Felix, just that she saw her lips on his" Demetri tells her "if you were Tory, what would you be doing?"

Chelsea is silent thinking "I don't know Tory, but if it was me" putting a hand on her chest "I'd want to know about your past Felix, I'd want to know how serious you are and whether or not you have made it clear that nothing is going on between you and your previous lovers. Just sit down and talk with her"

"Also buy chocolates" Santiago suggests

"That sounds like he's apologizing for something" Demetri argues, looking at me shaking his hand "no chocolates"

"Yes to the chocolates" Chelsea retorts "it shows that he is sorry for letting another woman's lips be on his"

"But he did nothing wrong" Demetri opens an arm waving it "Tory assumed"

"It doesn't matter if she assumed" Chelsea cuts him off "the important thing is is that Felix shows Tory that he is sorry for letting another woman's lips that aren't hers be on his before getting into a talk about their relationship" for the next half hour Demetri and Chelsea get into an argument before Santiago gets apart of it.

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