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~Tory's POV~

It's been a day and now all the Cullens are here, I stay by the side waiting for Edward and Alice to be brought in. When they are they are shoved to the Cullens, Bella is soon brought in and I go to grab her but Edward beats me and grab her. Using my sonic scream he is flown back and I grab Bella who feel then drag her to my side.

"Aro" Carlisle speaks "why"

"OH DO NOT ACT SO FUCKING STUPID!" I yell making the Volturi flinch, no one but the big guy have been brave enough to come near me "YOU ARE HERE BECAUSE OF YOUR INCOMPETENCE TO DISCIPLINE AND FOLLOW THE MOST SIMPLEST RULES OF YOUR WORLD!"

"Carlisle" Aro speaks waving to me "this is Tory, she's a siren as you may have guessed"

"Sirens aren't real" a blonde vampire with golden eyes speaks, so I use my whistle on her and she falls covering her ears. Then if vampire tries to help so I blast lightning at the big guy, not enough to destroy but enough to throw back.

"Stop!" Bella screams before punching me

"As you can see Rosalie Cullen" Caius I see is smiling "sirens are very real and not to be angered" I stop what I was doing to address Bella who takes a few steps back so I grab her wrists and like a bat hit the beam beside us, we hear bones break. When she falls tears are down her face, so I grab her leg and break it having her scream in more pain.

"Stop!" Alice Cullen screams "stop it!"

"More?" I ask before I go to repeatedly punch Bella in the face, blood comes down her nose when I stand. She lays bloody and unconscious "this" I wave to Bella "is my point, because of her you've broken so many laws!" Looking at the kings "now" pointing at the Cullens "what the fuck are you going to do about them?"

"We promise" Carlisle speaks "I will discipline"

"NO YOU FUCKING WON'T" they flinch back "now this is what is going to happen you and your pathetic coven of vampires will take care of Victoria and her growing army then Edward will kill Bella by draining her blood, then you will change you diet to drinking from humans because your vampires and vampires are one of the many FOOD GROUPS THAT KEEPS THE EARTH FROM OVERPOPULATING TOO MUCH!"

"You can't" Rosalie speaks "tell us"

"Oh?" I ask "I can't? Then here's the other option, I destroy Victoria and save the supernaturals world from your mistake but you all die a painful death and watch as I make Bella be tortured for about hundreds of years and when you all realize I've come to put you out of your misery you all will be too fucked up in the mind to realize it's the end"

The room is very silent "Might" Carlisle suggests "I have a suggestion"

"No" crossing my arms "now choose"

"But" he stated


"If I could"

"Dude" I hold my hand up "keep this up and I'll start the torture right now" staring Carlisle down "now which will it be?"

"Wait!" Alice screams and I groan, leaving the room I grabs a flamethrower before coming in and using it and everyone backs away when they see fire.

"Where did you get a flamethrower?" Someone asked

"I think the best thing to do Carlisle Cullen" Marcus speaks "is not to piss her off anymore then she already is"

"Now" stepping toward the Cullens "you either have some good news Alice Cullen or you get the torch" I press the button and they duck when the flame goes their way. I start laughing like an evil crazy person, which I kind of am when you piss me off enough.

"Um" Alice speaks but stutters when I have the flames aimed right at her "it's about Bella" narrowing my eyes "and her becoming a vampire"

When she says nothing I snap "TELL ME!" She jumps into the arms of a blonde vampire who glares at me and I aim the torch at him and his eyes widen "TELL ME! TELL ME RIGHT NOW!"

"Are you really recording this?" I hear Aro hiss

"Of course" Caius hisses back "how many times is something as good as this happens?"

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