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~Tory's POV~

I feel my heat cycle come in, but it's a few days too early. Shaking my head I look at the kings "is that human outside going to be turned?"

"No" angry blonde says "why?"

"I'm hungry" I leave the room and look at the human who smiles my way before screaming as my teeth come out. I become more bloodthirsty and violent during this time.

"Tory?" I look up to see Alice Cullen and Bella Swan stare at me.

"That's Victory to you" I snarl, Santiago is next to the two. I drop the human and follow the two, when Bella sees Edward she goes to him and he tries to go to her.

"Edward!" Bella screams

"The blood singer" the sad guy speaks "I assume"

"Let Bella go!" Edward screams but he can't get to us because of the iron grip he's in.

"Let Bella go!" I look over at Alice who is being held by Santiago.

"Edward!" When Bella tries to get out of my grasp, I have enough and whistle a high pitch frequency into her ear causing her to scream. Letting go she covers her ears and falls to the ground, the two Cullens try to help but can't.

"Stop it!" Alice screams, I walk towards Bella and kick her in the face hard that she is unconscious.

"You hurt Bella!" Edward snarls "I'll kill you!"

"No" the tall guy growls "you won't"

"When will the Cullens be here?" I ask

"We don't know" angry blonde puts his head on his hand "the receptionist knew" I start to growl lowly "we shall call the Cullen" my eyes narrow "right now" Aro pulls out his phone and calls someone.

"Hello Carlisle" Aro answers, I still growl "yes I'm fine" my growling gets louder "you and your coven need to be here in Volterra in a day, any longer and Edward and Alice Cullen will be destroyed" when he hangs up he puts his phone away. Everyone stays away from me but that tall guy.

"I will be back in a day" I leave slamming the doors closed.

~Felix's POV~

I watch my mate storm out of here, god she is so beautiful when she had murder in her eyes. "She's your mate?" Edward Cullen asks looking at me, I growl looking down at him.

"Put them in the dungeons" Marcus orders, we nod our heads and drag the two Cullens to the dungeons. We have them in chains before the lower guards come to keep an eye on them. We then leave, Santiago and Demetri stare at me the entire time.

I stop to look at them "what?" Crossing my arms as they smirk.

"Your found your mate" Demetri pokes my side repeatedly.

"Who happens to be a siren" Santiago adds "don't sirens go into heat like every month?"

"And when they are with child they become more horny?" Demetri adds, yes supernaturals can procreate with each other. Well us males can but the females need help from witches.

"So how many kids we talking here?" I see Afton pop up from behind the guys "I was thinking ten"

"How about twenty?" Santiago adds

"Guys" Demetri waves his hand in a calm down motion "if Felix will have any kids it's most likely going to be thirty"

"Enough" I hold my hand up "I haven't even spoken to my mate" we hear screaming, going in that direction we watch my mate tear apart two humans "ah, isn't she beautiful when she has blood all over her?" When she looks up at us we see her teeth filled with human flesh, blood dripping down her chin. She growls lowly at us, she continues to eat by grabbing a bone and eating it up.

"Yeah, beautiful" Demetri agrees "let's leave the siren to eat"

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