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~Tory's POV~

When I returned to Forks, I go straight to Charlie's home needing to inform him that Bella needs to be grounded. When I knock on his door it opens to a tired Charlie "Tory" he speaks "I thought"

"You" using my powers "will let me inside, you will not ask questions about what and why I am here and when Bella returns you will ground her. Her door will be removed and a baby monitor will be placed in her room with bars to go over her windows since Edward Cullen stays in her room, when you next see Bella and her injuries you will only thing Edward inflicted them" he nods his head and lets me in. As I'm here I go up to Bella's room to remove a lot of her things, such as everything related to the supernatural.

When I have all of Bella's things, I put them in a garbage bag and I'll do a ceremonial bonfire. You know? The things someone does when your friend or partner wrongs them. Just as I go downstairs, I see Charlie come inside with a baby monitor.

As I head outside, I see Edward Cullen with Bella Swan in his arms. She's badly beaten up, good thing Charlie thinks Edward did that. "What" he demands "are you doing here?"

"Seems your stupid as well" smirking, I then yell "Charlie! Bella's here!" Just then Charlie storms out and looks at Edward pissed off.

"What" he demands "did you do?!" I leave then, going to the car I 'borrowed' aka I killed the person then stole their car. I go to the Cullens house, when I do I storm to the door and bang on it until someone answers.

When it does I see Carlisle Cullen who looks scared, good. "Hello, we didn't get a chance to introduce ourselves" I push past him "I'm Carlisle and if you get to know me and my coven"

"Okay fine" crossing my arms "my name is Victory Ocean, daughter of Ondina Ocean and granddaughter of Delilah Ocean as in the queen of sirens" he gulps in "I am the heir of Delilah Ocean, so if you think for one fucking moment we are going to be friends think again" he nods his head "now, where the rest of your disgraceful coven?"

"This way" he gestured and I follow him to the living room, I'm assuming. Everyone stares at me, including two of the guards from the vampire government. I see that blonde from before glare at me.

"Something to say?" I ask, she just looks away.

"Hello" a brunette comes over "I'm Esme, it's nice to"

"If things were nice" snapping "a vampire wouldn't be mateless, Bella would have been turned, you and your coven would be drinking human blood, I wouldn't have to be fixing your covens fucking mistakes so don't act like things are nice because they fucking aren't!" That blonde glares at me "what?" She looks my way "either tell me what the fuck you want or stop being a little bitch!"

"You" she growls "you come here and start ordering us around and"

"Is it my fault a vampire is mateless?"

"No" she says

"Is it my fault your coven refused to take care of Bella Swan by either turning her or killing her?" I demand

"No, but"


"No" she bites back a remark

"Then don't act" I say "like your above everyone else"

"I don't"

"You have a gift for beauty" I condescend her "so you believe your above everyone else because of it and by your attitude you were a human born into high society so you already believe everyone is below you. Well guess what, you are just like everyone else-you aren't above anyone else!"

"Why are you here?" She asks finally

"I'm here" I state "to make sure this disgraceful coven does something about this predicament that is going to expose the supernatural community since you all seem content on sitting on your fucking asses!" Looking around "now, why the hell are you on your asses and not doing something!"

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