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~Felix's POV~

God this place stinks, if I were human I would probably be sick to my stomach like how my mate is. For the past thirty minutes that I've been in her presence, well I'm glad I have my cloak on and covering me since I'm rock hard. It's taking everything in me not to take my mate right here right now, but I remember that I can't let her be vulnerable in the den of wolf shifters.

Now, watching as my mate glows the human females are staring at her like that want to bed her. I need to remind myself not to start something, but then I see the wolves from outside in their human forms stare at her and I growl. They look my way and growl back.

"Ahem" Tory coughs "how about we put the testosterone for like ten to twenty minutes?"

"Yes" that Sam speaks "the elders will be here in five minutes"

My mate goes to the counter and jumps up, because she's wearing a skirt we can see under it. I stand before her making sure these wolves don't get a view of my mate who appears ton not wear underwear. "So" the wolf named Jared comes down the stairs "how has it been?" Looking at me "I see many things have happened"

"Let's just say" Tory sends a smile, one that has the wolves look worried while that smiles is making my cock more painfully hard than before.

"Fuck this" she looks my way as I grab her face and kiss her, she gasps placing one hand on the counter and the other around my neck. I hear some wolf whistles as I kiss her, moving one of my hands down her body I pull her closer. My cock is against her stomach, she feels how hard I am for her right now.

"How can she breathe?" Someone asked

"She's a siren" another man responds "she can probably hold her breath longer"

"Sam?" I hear a deeper voice ask "what's going on?"

"Tory has something important to say" that Sam speaks uncomfortably "but she's...busy"

Someone snorts, I thought it was a male but it's a female "are you kidding?! She's being tongue fucked by that giant!"

"Ahem!" Someone coughs loudly, Tory pulls back. Her lips swollen as she takes deep breaths staring at me.

She looks over "oh hi" waving her hand "when did you guys get in?" Looking over I see three people, a female in her later thirties or early forties with two men. One who looks to be in his sixties and the other in his forties.

"A few minutes ago" the one in the wheelchair speaks, he looks at me suspiciously "who's this?"

"Felix" Tory introduces "this is Billy Black, Old Quil and I'm sorry" looking at the female "aren't you Sue? Harry's wife? Where's Harry?" She looks around, I see many sad faces.

"Dead" a female shifter growls "because of his" gesturing to me "kind"

"You mean Bella" Tory speaks looking at the female "your Leah, Harry's daughter" she nods her head "if you want to blame someone, blame the Cullens and Bella since if it weren't for them then Harry would still be alive" the room is silent.

"Why are you here?" One of the boys sneers and I growl at him.

"Watch it Jacob!" Tory snaps "I don't give a fuck about you but your father is a nice man, so be glad I like your father enough to spare your life but keep this up and I'll make sure only your sisters can have children and not you"

"Jacob" the man in the wheelchair "leave, now!"

"But dad" I don't have to listen to them, grabbing the boy I throw him outside. He growls at me before shifting, when he does that he goes to attack but I have my arms wrapped around him before crushing his bones. He falls and the other wolves go to him as I go to Tory.

"Wow" she breathes "that was so hot"

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