Chapter 74- Back Home

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Chapter 74- Back Home

Adams smiles as he watches Earth come into view out of the viewport. It's been over half a year since he last saw his home planet, but it feels like its been years. And it feels good to be home.

Admiral Vilikov walks up to Adams. "President Bush has requested you to come meet with him at the White House, along with all the surviving Jedi," he says.

"Thank you, Admiral. I'll inform the Jedi immediately and make my way down to the planet's surface," Adams says before walking off.

Adams makes his way to the chamber where all the surviving Jedi are waiting. As he walks in, Mace Windu looks up at him and asks, "Captain Adams? Have we arrived?"

"Yes, Master Windu. And President Bush has asked to speak to all of you, as well as me. If you will please come to the hangar when you are ready, I will be waiting for you to head down to Washington," Adams says. He then inclines his head respectfully before turning around and walking out.

Adams makes his way down to the hangar, where an LAAT is waiting to take him and the Jedi down to the White House to meet with President Bush.

Adams is only waiting for about 15 minutes when he sees all 9 surviving Jedi that came with the Terrans walking over to him, along with Barriss Offee, who is wearing cuffs. Adams smiles and says, "Good to see you didn't take too long. Come along, friends. President Bush is waiting for us." He then boards the LAAT, and the Jedi follow him onto the LAAT.

Once the last of the Jedi is aboard, the doors shut and the gunship lifts off, flying out of the Volgograd's hangar bay. Once out of the hangar, it heads down towards the planet below.

The ride down is very quiet, with only minor chit chat between Adams and the Jedi.

Only about 15 minutes later, the gunship comes down and lands on the White House lawn. As the doors open, soldiers from the Old Guard rush up to the gunship weapons at the ready, ready for escort. As the Jedi and Adams disembark from the gunship and start walking towards the White House, the soldiers form up around them and escort them into the White House.

Right inside the door, President Bush is waiting for them. As they walk in, he smiles and says, "My friends. Welcome." He looks among the Jedi and asks, "Where are Masters Yoda and Kenobi?"

"They elected to remain in the Andromeda Galaxy," Mace says.

"Well. I had certainly hoped to see them again, but in any case, I am glad you all are here and yet alive. Please. Follow me," Bush says before turning and walking in the direction of the Oval Office.

Once they reach the Oval Office, Bush says, "Everybody, take a seat." The Jedi all take seat on the couches and chairs as Bush takes his seat behind the Resolute Desk.

"Well, first of all, I would like a quick briefing from you, Captain Adams, on the evolving situation in the Andromeda Galaxy," Bush says.

"Mr. President, as you know, Anakin Skywalker has fallen to the dark side and become a Sith. It is my belief, according to what I have gathered, that Emperor Palpatine manipulated Anakin using his secret wife, Padme Amidala, and their unborn children. From what I understand, it sounds as if Anakin believed his wife was in danger, and Palpatine made him believe only the dark side could save her. In any case, Anakin attacked and massacred the Jedi in the Jedi Temple, while Palpatine issued an order to clone troopers across the galaxy, causing them to turn on their Jedi Generals, and any of our forces who attempted to defend the Jedi," Adams says.

Adams pauses for a moment, then says, "We have confirmation of 26 Jedi who survived the attack, with several dozen more likely survivors we have no firm confirmation of. A Terran strike force, led by Colonel Hall, retook the Temple and rescued many precious artifacts from it. Colonel Hall and Colonel Rommel then accompanied Masters Yoda and Kenobi to find and kill the Sith, but both failed, although Anakin was gravely wounded. As we understand it, he has been cybernetically rebuilt, and is now half machine. We have confirmation that the new Empire is expanding its control over the galaxy, bit by bit."

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