Chapter 32- Hostage Crisis

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Chapter 32- Hostage Crisis

(December 1, 1992 Earth Time)

As the sun rises over Coruscant, Colonel John White of the ASAT team looks out over the planet from his position in the Jedi Temple. He had relieved Colonel Mofaz as the ASAT commando assigned to the Temple just a week earlier. Already, he is finding Coruscant one of the most impressive places he's ever visited.

"Impressed, are you?"

White turns around, and spots Yoda approaching behind him.

"Yes, indeed, Master Yoda. It is quite different from anywhere on Terra. Especially Britain," White says.

"And yet, sometimes, in nature, peace we can find," Yoda says.

"Oh, I know that very well. The time I spend outdoors in my home in Scotland are some of my favorite times of year," White responds.

Yoda smiles a bit, then says, "How went your training today?"

"Very well. Master Windu is a strict and tough teacher when he wants to be, but his training sessions are very helpful," White says. He then removes his lightsaber from his belt and ignites the blue blade. "When I first took up this lightsaber, I felt a great burden being placed on my shoulders. The protection of the innocent from the threat of the Sith and others like them," he says. He twirls his lightsaber in hand before deactivating it and returning it to his belt. He then looks down at Yoda and says, "It is a great honor to train under you Jedi, and to be able to fight alongside you."

Yoda smiles. Despite the fact that none of the ASAT team would ever be allowed to actually join the Jedi Order even if they were Force-sensitive, all of them are good, honorable men to the very core, with several having already saved the lives of Jedi.

"A good man, you are, Colonel White," Yoda says.

White smiles in response. Yoda smiles again and then walks away.

White looks back out the window, then realizes he's due to meet with another ASAT member, Colonel Hall, at a diner not far from the Senate building for lunch.

White heads down to the hangar and hops into a speeder, heading out of the Jedi Temple and towards the diner.

As he is soaring between the buildings, suddenly, his commlink begins to beep. He lifts his arm up and says, "Colonel White."

"Colonel! This is Captain Jones! We have a situation in the Senate building! A bounty hunter apparently named Cad Bane and some other bounty hunters have taken control of the East Wing of the Senate building and taken a number of Senators hostage. We got lucky and got the transmission from a friendly troop in the building was killed, and before all power was cut off," Captain Jones, the commander of a troop from A Squadron of the 22nd SAS Regiment.

"I'm on my way," White responds. Immediately, he contacts Colonel Hall and says he's going to need a rain check, then immediately heads to meet up with the troop.

He lands his speeder at a building a short distance from the Senate building that has been allocated for use by Terran forces.

As soon as he gets out of his speeder, he finds Captain Jones waiting for him.

"What's the situation, Captain?" White demands.

"Still no word from the Senate building. We can expect at least half a dozen bounty hunters and assassin droids, maybe more. And both Cad Bane and the escaped Aurra Sing are among the bounty hunters," Captain Jones responds.

"Alright. Do we have any idea if we have any forces inside the building?" White asks.

"Negative, sir. We only had two Spanish troops and the Senate guards there, and it seems all of them were killed," Captain Jones says.

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