Chapter 70- Retaking the Temple

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Chapter 70- Retaking the Temple

(July 26, 1994)

On board the TAS Sentinel, all is quiet. The entire crew knows what has happened, and what they are on their way to do. The gravity of the situation is well aware to everyone on the ship.

In the hangar bay, Major General William Garrison, the head of JSOC, stands before 200 of the Terran Alliances best warriors. 200 men drawn from the Zulu Force, SEAL Team 6, the Sayeret Matkal, and the SAS. Hall is standing beside him.

Garrison looks out over the men. "You all know the situation. The Clone Army has turned against the Jedi. According to reports from our intelligence agents, the order to do so came from Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, and that Palpatine is the Sith Master we and the Republic have been searching for. It is clear, if this is true, that Palpatine has manipulated this whole thing, and the Clone Army was created specifically to wipe out the Jedi," he says.

He pauses for several moments, then says, "In any case, it is clear that the Republic is no longer the government we allied with. As of now, we can consider our alliance with the Republic to be dead. However, our alliance with the Jedi, until further notice, remains. It is for this reason that this mission has been ordered."

"Intelligence shows that a clone division, the 501st, attacked the Jedi Temple and slaughtered the Jedi there. The clones are still occupying the Temple, and a signal has been detected summoning all Jedi back to the Temple. Your mission has several main objectives. First of all, you will liberate the Temple from the Clones holding it. You will then gather any intelligence you can from the Temple, and disable the beacon summoning the Jedi back. You will recover anything of note that you can from the Temple. Then, once the mission has been accomplished, you will return to the ship, and we will join the rest of our forces in retreating back home," General Garrison says.

The men all nod. General Garrison looks around at them. "You have all been given information packets containing floor maps of the Jedi Temple, information on the forces you can expect, and design schematics for the beacon. For now, you are dismissed. We will be arriving at Coruscant in a matter of hours," Garrison says.

The men all snap to attention, then begin to file out. As General Garrison watches them go, he realizes the risk they are sailing into. They are sailing into the heart of Republic space, and risking so many of their greatest soldiers in this mission.

Garrison turns to Hall. "If we are discovered before we can finish this and escape, we are doomed. This mission cannot fail, Colonel," he says.

Hall nods. "We won't let you, or the Alliance, down, General," he says before walking away.

(Hours later)

"General. Fives minutes to end of hyperspace run," an officer on the deck says.

"Copy that," General Garrison says.

Give more minutes pass, and then the ship drops out of hyperspace. Before them, Coruscant looms.

The Sentinel moves closer to the planet and establishes an orbit over Coruscant, camouflaging itself among the hundreds of other Venators.

In the hangar bay, the strike force gets ready. The Sayeret Matkal and SAS troops are all dressed in captured clone trooper armor left behind after the Terran campaign. Their job is to trick the clones guarding the Temple and get behind their lines, so they can trap the clones. All 200 men are geared up and ready in every way for the mission ahead.

As the time to leave the ship nears, the soldiers board their dropships. These are modified ships given to them from the Republic that are equipped with tech designed to help them hide in plain sight.

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